Les plus gros déménageurs: ETC jusqu'à 80% la semaine dernière, comme gain de bouclage 42% mercredi

Loopring s'échangeait à plus de 42% mercredi, dépassant QNT comme le monde’s 65e plus grand crypto dans le processus. Cela est venu alors que Ethereum Classic se négociait 10.30% plus haut le jour, prenant son gain d'une semaine à plus 80%. Boucle (CRL)…

Crypto.com choisi comme sponsor officiel de la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA

BK, the international governing body of association football, FIFA, announced the exchange Crypto.com will be an official sponsor of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 tournament. Selon l'annonce, the digital currency trading platform willactivate its official sponsorship”…

Le fondateur de Terra, Do Kwon, "a hâte de construire avec Bitcoin" - Le projet aurait acquis 125 millions de dollars en BTC

Tout recemment, Terra founder Do Kwon hinted at purchasing $3 billion in bitcoin to bolster the protocols reserves and according to a number of reports and blockchain analysis, Terra purchased $125 million worth of bitcoin on March 21. Le jour suivant,…

Peter Thiel dit que sa "plus grande erreur de la décennie était d'arriver trop tard et trop peu dans Bitcoin"

During a discussion published on March 12, 2022, the billionaire entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Peter Thiel discussed how he built Paypal with fellow co-founders Max Levchin, David Sacks, and Luke Nosek. Toward the end of the hour-long conversation, the topic quickly

Les plus gros déménageurs: AVAX Presque 20% Axie Infinity perd, comme RUNE et ZEC Près 15% Gains samedi

Crypto markets were mainly in the green on Saturday, with AVAX, RUNE and ZEC being some of the notable gainers. Apecoin traded lower during its third session, falling by as much as 13%, following back-to-back gains. avalanche (AVAX) LUNE, VAGUES, et…

Encre Bitcoin: Une étude montre que l'intérêt pour les "tatouages ​​cryptographiques" a bondi 222% l'année dernière

As cryptocurrencies, bitcoins, finances décentralisées (défi), and non-fungible token (TVN) technology experienced extreme growth during the last year, interest in crypto tattoos has risen a great deal. According to a recent study published by Crypto Head, searches for tattoos related to

Instagram travaille à amener les NFT sur la plate-forme à court terme,' Dit le PDG de Meta, Mark Zuckerberg

In December 2021, the CEO of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, discussed how the firm was looking into non-fungible token (TVN) technology during an ask-me-anything (AMA) session. Three months later, at the South by Southwest (SXSW) event in Texas, Méta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg

projets s'appuyant sur le protocole Zebec

Portefeuille Wasabi, a privacy-oriented bitcoin-only wallet, has announced it will start introducing censorship methods into its mixing procedures. The announcement was made on social media, where the official account of Wasabi explained that a blacklist will prevent some UTXOs (unspent transaction

Débourser 30 000 $ ou plus dans Ethereum - Un coup d'œil en haut 5 Prix ​​planchers NFT

Jeton non fongible (TVN) les actifs sont très populaires depuis bien plus 12 mois et un grand nombre de collections ont explosé en valeur. Alors que l'intérêt pour les NFT est tombé à son plus bas niveau en quatre mois selon les requêtes de recherche de Google Trends, a vast

Les plus gros déménageurs: Monnaie, Cosmos Slip jeudi, alors que la vague rouge de Crypto Economy revient

With cryptocurrency markets falling on Thursday, XMR and ATOM were two of the biggest movers during the day. Solana was also nearing a double-digit decline, as bulls seemingly sat out today’la séance. Monnaie (XMR) Monnaie (XMR) was undoubtedly the biggest bear