La Banque centrale de Turquie étend ses recherches, se prépare à tester la livre numérique sur une nouvelle plate-forme

The Turkish central bank has established a new platform together with technology stakeholders to further the development of a digitalized version of the national fiat currency. The new collaboration will allow Turkey to focus on expanding research and conducting tests of

Protocole HUMAIN (HMT) Annonce l'inscription sur Bitfinex

September 16th, 2021 09:00 UTCThe HUMAN Protocol Foundation, the team behind HUMAN Protocol, have announced today that the Protocols native utility token, HMT, is listed on Bitfinex. Bitfinex is one of the crypto worlds legacy exchanges. It consistently performs

La révision de la réglementation FSC devrait être fermée 40 Échanges cryptographiques en Corée du Sud

A new regulatory overhaul could put 40 hors de 60 exchanges out of business in South Korea after the firms are expected to fail to meet the conditions that are being proposed by the Financial Services Commission (FSC). This action might