Binance Announces Lightning Network Withdrawal Implementation Amidst Bitcoin Network Congestion Issues

Binance has announced its intention of implementing Lightning Network, une couche 2 Bitcoin scaling protocol, on its platform after experiencing an episode of congestion regarding withdrawals on the Bitcoin network. The exchange had to pause bitcoin withdrawals twice due to a

Crypto Exchange Bittrex Enters Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection Following SEC Lawsuit

Bittrex Inc., the U.S.-based cryptocurrency exchange, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in Delaware after being sued by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for failing to register with the regulator. The exchange reportedly has over 100,000 creditors and liabilities

Aperçus d'Amérique latine: La Bolivie vend de l’or contre des dollars, L'Argentine interdit la cryptographie Fintech, Fitch relève la cote de crédit du Salvador

Bienvenue sur Latam Insights, un recueil des actualités les plus pertinentes en matière de cryptographie et de développement économique en Amérique latine au cours de la semaine dernière. Dans ce problème, La Bolivie adopte une loi pour vendre de l'or contre des dollars, la Banque centrale d'Argentine interdit la fintech…

Bitcoin Network Overwhelmed by 390,000 Unconfirmed Transactions and Surging Fees

In just under two weeks, the number of unconfirmed transactions on the Bitcoin network has skyrocketed from 134,000 to over 390,000, causing a bottleneck in the mempool. This surge in unconfirmed transactions has resulted in a staggering 343% increase in transaction

Voyager Digital Provides Update on Reimbursement Plan for Creditors

Following Binance’s withdrawal from the Voyager Digital deal on April 25, the now-defunct crypto lender has recently informed creditors that they can expect to receive their initial cash and crypto distributionswithin the next few weeks.This update comes nine days

US Banking Industry in Turmoil: A Comprehensive Look at the ‘Great Consolidation’ and Largest Bank Failures of 2023

2023 has been a rollercoaster ride for the U.S. l'industrie banquaire. The collapse of three major banks has sent shockwaves through the financial world, with their combined assets surpassing the top 25 banks that crumbled in 2008. The following is a

Satoshi’s Last Emails: ‘Make It About the Open-Source Project,’ Economist Predicts ‘Catastrophic’ Fall in US Living Standard, FRC Shares Plummet, and More — Week in Review

Another week has passed in the world of crypto and finance, with the anniversary of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto’s last known emails, predictions of massive declines in Americansstandard of living, and important developments at the struggling First Republic Bank. Tous…

Binance Reportedly Removes Restrictions on Russian Users

Le monde’s largest crypto exchange, Binance, has lifted certain restrictions on Russian users, local crypto media unveiled. According to multiple reports, Russians can once again use their bank cards to make deposits and the trading platform has canceled a limit on

Les protocoles de jalonnement liquide voient une augmentation des dépôts mensuels d'ETH malgré les retraits après le hard fork de Shapella

Suite au hard fork de Shapella en avril 12, 2023, environ 332,368 éther, évalué à environ $699 million, a été retiré. Malgré ces retraits, protocoles de jalonnement liquide comme Lido, Fuséepool, et d'autres ont connu une augmentation des dépôts d'éther au cours des dernières années.…

Crypto Exchange Bitrue souffre $23 Millions de piratage

L'échange cryptographique basé à Singapour, Bitrue, a perdu des millions de dollars américains. dollars’ valeur d'éther et d'autres pièces dans un hack. La plateforme de trading a suspendu les retraits jusqu'au début de la semaine prochaine pour effectuer des contrôles de sécurité supplémentaires et a promis d'indemniser les utilisateurs concernés.. Bitrue…