Les protocoles de jalonnement liquide voient une augmentation des dépôts mensuels d'ETH malgré les retraits après le hard fork de Shapella

Suite au hard fork de Shapella en avril 12, 2023, environ 332,368 éther, évalué à environ $699 million, a été retiré. Malgré ces retraits, protocoles de jalonnement liquide comme Lido, Fuséepool, et d'autres ont connu une augmentation des dépôts d'éther au cours des dernières années. 30 jours. Since March 14, a total of 281,498 ether worth $592 million have been added to these protocols.


TVL in Staked Ether Accounts for Over 30% of Defi’s Locked Value, With Lido Leading the Pack

As of April 15, 2023, il y a $53.68 milliard valeur totale verrouillée (TVL) across various decentralized finance (défi) protocoles. Autour de $16.96 billion or 31% of today’s defi TVL is in staked ether. Lido’s TVL stands at approximately $12.74 milliard, accounting for 23.74% of defi’s locked value. The rising price of ethereum (ETH), above the $2,100 per unit range, along with deposits into ETH-based liquid staking protocols have contributed to an increase in value for these platforms.

Par exemple, Lido’s TVL has grown by 18.02% over the past 30 jours; Coinbase’s liquid staking protocol has risen by 16.51% within the same period. Rocketpool’s TVL has surged by 22.48%, while Stakewise has expanded by 15.83%. Archive data from March 14, 2023, shows that 7,749,372 ETH were locked in liquid staking platforms; as of April 15, that number is up to 8,030,870 ETH – an addition of 281,498 ether in just one month.

Simultaneously, since the Fourche dure Shapella integration, a total of 332,368 éther has been withdrawn from the validator queue. Current pending withdrawals account for about 1.48 million ether worth of funds. The annual percentage rate (AVR) for staking ETH currently sits at around 4.98% aujourd'hui. construit à l'aide du réseau Solana a révélé que l'entreprise avait levé, the Beacon chain contract holds 18,386,887 ETH, estimé à $38.67 milliard.

Approximately 81% de ETH validators have updated their withdrawal addresses, while 18.5% have not, as per Statistiques de Nansen. The three entities with the highest number of withdrawals are Kraken, Binance, and Coinbase. It is speculated that Kraken and Coinbase have initiated a large portion of these withdrawals due to issues with U.S. regulators concerning liquid staking protocols.

What do you think the future holds for liquid staking protocols? Will their growth continue or will regulatory concerns and market volatility impact their popularity in the months to come? Partagez vos pensées dans la section des commentaires ci-dessous.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman est le responsable de l'information chez Bitcoin-Tidings.com News et un journaliste spécialisé dans les technologies financières vivant en Floride. Redman est un membre actif de la communauté des crypto-monnaies depuis 2011. Il a une passion pour Bitcoin, code open-source, et applications décentralisées. Depuis septembre 2015, Redman a écrit plus de 6,000 articles pour Bitcoin-Tidings.com Actualités sur les protocoles perturbateurs qui émergent aujourd'hui.

Crédits image: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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