La capitalisation boursière de Tether se rapproche d'un niveau record alors que les concurrents luttent contre les rachats

Despite several U.S. dollar-pegged digital tokens experiencing notable redemptions in recent months, the largest stablecoin by market valuation, attache, is on the verge of achieving its highest-ever market capitalization. With a current value of $82.84 milliard, tether is a mere $433

Bitcoin Network Overwhelmed by 390,000 Unconfirmed Transactions and Surging Fees

In just under two weeks, the number of unconfirmed transactions on the Bitcoin network has skyrocketed from 134,000 to over 390,000, causing a bottleneck in the mempool. This surge in unconfirmed transactions has resulted in a staggering 343% increase in transaction

Ethereum Network Fees Surge 153% dans 30 Jours, While Arbitrum Daily Transactions Outpace ETH Following Shapella Upgrade

Ethereum network fees have experienced a significant upswing following the implementation of the Shapella upgrade on April 12th. In the last 30 jours, onchain fees have soared by over 153%, from a prior rate of $4.65 per transfer to a current

Satoshi’s Last Emails: ‘Make It About the Open-Source Project,’ Economist Predicts ‘Catastrophic’ Fall in US Living Standard, FRC Shares Plummet, and More — Week in Review

Another week has passed in the world of crypto and finance, with the anniversary of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto’s last known emails, predictions of massive declines in Americansstandard of living, and important developments at the struggling First Republic Bank. Tous…

« La prochaine série de plans de sauvetage est là » – Le Bitcoin et les métaux précieux montent en flèche au milieu des spéculations sur le changement de politique de la Fed

At around 7:30 un m. HE, the price of bitcoin skyrocketed past the $27,000 range to a high of $27,025 par unité. Precious metals, or PMs, like gold and silver, also rose between 1.98% et 2.12% contre les États-Unis. dollar over the

Robert Kiyosaki Says World Economy on the Verge of Collapse — Warns of Bank Runs, Frozen Savings, Bail-Ins

Le célèbre auteur du livre à succès Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, says the world economy is on the verge of collapse. He warned investors about the risks of bank runs, frozen savings, and bail-ins that may come next. Robert

Robert Kiyosaki, père riche, père pauvre, prévient que « tout va s'écraser » – il prévoit d'acheter plus de Bitcoin

Le célèbre auteur du livre à succès Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, has warned thateverything will crash,” y compris l'or, argent, et bitcoins. toutefois, il considère les krachs comme des opportunités d'achat, notant qu'il achètera plus de bitcoin. Robert Kiyosaki Reiterates

Robert Kiyosaki dit qu'il aime Bitcoin – appelle BTC « l'argent du peuple »

Le célèbre auteur du livre à succès Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, says he likes bitcoin, calling the cryptocurrency “personnes’s money.While admitting that he does not know much about bitcoin, il a dit: “je’m just glad I bought it at

Les prix en dollars ont presque augmenté 54% au Venezuela pendant 2022

Prices in Venezuela have been rising steadily even when denominated in foreign currency. According to data collected by Ecoanalitica, a market research firm, prices marked in dollars have grown close to 54% during 2022, affecting the income and savings of Venezuelans

Gold Prices Expected to Soar in 2023: Experts Predict Record Highs for Precious Metal

Gold is on the rise in 2023 and in the first week of the new year alone, the precious metal has jumped 2.36% contre les États-Unis. dollar. Dans le passé 65 jours, gold has soared 14.55% while silver has skyrocketed 22.31%