« La prochaine série de plans de sauvetage est là » – Le Bitcoin et les métaux précieux montent en flèche au milieu des spéculations sur le changement de politique de la Fed

At around 7:30 un m. HE, the price of bitcoin skyrocketed past the $27,000 range to a high of $27,025 par unité. Precious metals, or PMs, like gold and silver, also rose between 1.98% et 2.12% contre les États-Unis. dollar over the

Trezor Takes Control of Chip Production for Enhanced Security and Faster Production Time

Trezor, the manufacturer of crypto hardware wallets, has announced that it will take control of its wallet chip production process by producing its own silicon chips. The company states that the newly designedchip wrapperwill enhance device security and considerably

Les données de prévision immédiate de l'inflation de la Fed montrent de futures augmentations de l'IPC, La dette nationale brute des États-Unis touchée $31 Mille milliards

A recently published forecast stemming from the Federal Reserve Bank of Clevelands Inflation Nowcasting data indicates upcoming U.S. consumer price index (IPC) metrics will likely be elevated. The newly predicted CPI levels were recorded the same day Americas gross national debt