Core Inflation on Upward Trend, Further Rate Hikes Expected, ECB Execs Say

Amid underlying inflationary pressures, further interest rate increases may still be needed, members of the European Central Bank’s Governing Council have admitted. At the same time, the cycle with the highest hikes may soon be over, the officials indicated. Fin de…

Logium V1: The Simple Way to Profit From Crypto Betting

Logium, an ambitious newcomer to the world of crypto betting, has recently undergone a noteworthy refresh to better serve its users. What is Logium? Logium is a peer-to-peer platform that allows traders to bet with each other on whether the price

Les commerçants de Bitcoin attendent patiemment "Uptober" - Les prix historiques montrent que BTC a gagné 10 hors de 13 Octobre

In recent times bitcoins volatility has been the lowest its been since 2020 and after last months market downturn, crypto enthusiasts expected a reversal in October. En fait, bitcoin has seen gains in October ten times out of the last 13

Le PDG de JPMorgan, Jamie Dimon, prévient que la récession pourrait frapper 6 Mois, Le marché boursier pourrait chuter 20% Plus - "C'est un truc sérieux"

The CEO of global investment bank JPMorgan, Jamie Dimon, a prévenu que les États-Unis. economy could tip into recession in six to nine months. “This is serious stuff,” the executive stressed, adding that the stock market could easily fall another 20%….

Le gouverneur de la Banque centrale des Philippines explique la politique de cryptographie - "Je ne veux pas qu'elle soit interdite"

The governor of the central bank of the Philippines has shared his policy on cryptocurrency regulation. “je n'en ai pas’t want it banned,” il a dit, advising investors not to invest money they cannot afford to lose in crypto. Philippine Central Bank Governor on

Rendements obligataires erratiques, Verrouillages, et Guerre — 3 Raisons pour lesquelles la reprise économique ne se fera pas rapidement

The global economy looks bleak as inflation continues to rise, and a wide array of financial investments continue to shudder in value. Since May 2, 2022, the crypto economy has dropped more than 15% depuis $1.83 billions à aujourd'hui’s $1.54 mille milliards….

Prédictions de la Banque mondiale 3% Croissance du prix de l'or, Un expert dit qu'un 3 000 $ par once "est plus probable qu'improbable"

La Banque mondiale a déclaré qu'elle s'attend à ce que le prix de l'or augmente de 3% dans 2022 mais a averti que le prix pourrait chuter fortement si la banque centrale russe décidait de se débarrasser de grandes quantités de la marchandise. The Russian Factor After

La société Blockchain Animoca Brands augmente: Le gros gagnant du lundi de MINA, CRO inférieur malgré la publicité LeBron de

In what has been a volatile day of trading, MINA is one of the biggest gainers in crypto to start the week. De plus, coin (CRO) was in the red, despite pulling out all the stops in a

Donald Trump sur la crypto: "Je ne veux pas que d'autres devises sortent et nuisent au dollar"

Ancien États-Unis. Le président Donald Trump a commenté la popularité croissante des crypto-monnaies et la répression des crypto-monnaies par le gouvernement chinois. Il a réitéré sa position anti-crypto: “je n'en ai pas’t want to have other currencies coming out and hurting or demeaning the dollar