La capitalisation boursière de Tether se rapproche d'un niveau record alors que les concurrents luttent contre les rachats

Despite several U.S. dollar-pegged digital tokens experiencing notable redemptions in recent months, the largest stablecoin by market valuation, attache, is on the verge of achieving its highest-ever market capitalization. With a current value of $82.84 milliard, tether is a mere $433

Bitcoin Mining Difficulty Reaches All-Time High as Miners Face Second-Largest Increase This Year

Bitcoin’s mining difficulty reached an all-time high (ATH) on Feb. 24, 2023, at block height #778,176, atteindre 43.05 trillion hashes and surpassing the 40 trillion mark for the first time ever. The networks difficulty increased by 9.95%, which is the second-largest

Litecoin’s Hashrate Reaches All-Time High, Difficulty Follows Suit

The blockchain network Litecoins computational power reached an all-time high (ATH) mercredi, Jan. 25, 2023, at block height 2,411,048, atteindre 798.43 terahash per second (TH/s). en outre, Litecoins difficulty also reached an all-time high this week, frappe 23,505,031 the following

Bitcoin’s Hashrate Remains Stronger Than Ever in the Face of Crypto Winter Prices and Sky High Difficulty

Despite the fact that bitcoin miners are getting bare minimums in profits per petahash per second (PH/s), and the myriad of headlines showing specific mining operations folding from the crypto winter, the networks total hashrate continues to chug along at close

Bitcoin Miner Cleanspark finalise l'acquisition de l'installation de Sandersville, Hashrate de l'entreprise maintenant 4.7 Exahash

En octobre 11, the publicly-listed bitcoin miner Cleanspark announced that it has completed the acquisition of Mawson Infrastructure Groups Georgia-based bitcoin mining facility. Following the acquisition, Cleanspark says it now manages 220 mégawatts (MW) of bitcoin miners with a hashrate of

Les progrès vers la réduction de moitié de Bitcoin sont 60% Complet, Les temps de bloc suggèrent que la réduction pourrait se produire l'année prochaine

According to countdown statistics based on the average block generation time of around ten minutes, progress toward the next Bitcoin block reward halving has surpassed 60%. toutefois, while most halving countdown clocks leverage the ten-minute average, the countdown leveraging the most

Le taux de hachage total du réseau de Bitcoin atteint un niveau record à 321 Exahash par seconde

According to statistics on October 5, the total computational power backing the Bitcoin network tapped a fresh all-time high reaching 321.15 exahash par seconde (EH/s). Just after the record high, the networks total hashrate was coasting along above the 300 EH/s…

La difficulté de minage du réseau Bitcoin diminue pour la première fois en 2 Mois

Following four consecutive Bitcoin mining difficulty increases, the networks difficulty dropped for the first time in 68 jours, sliding 2.14% at block height 756,000 mardi. The change means its currently 2.14% easier to find a bitcoin block reward following the

Le changement de difficulté d'exploitation minière de Bitcoin imprime la deuxième plus grande augmentation de 2022 - La métrique approche de son niveau record

Mercredi, Bitcoin’la difficulté de minage a sauté 9.26% plus haut, enregistrant la deuxième montée de difficulté la plus élevée en 2022. La dernière hausse est Bitcoin’s troisième augmentation de difficulté depuis août 4, 2022, et cela’neiger 11.63% plus difficile de trouver une récompense de bloc bitcoin. Bitcoin Difficulty Jumps

Un stratège du marché s'attend à ce que le marché boursier chute 50% D'ici, Il dit qu'il "n'y aura plus de classe moyenne"

Après Jérôme Powell’s commentaire belliciste au Symposium économique annuel de Jackson Hole, principaux indices boursiers, crypto-monnaies, et les métaux précieux ont considérablement chuté en valeur. Terminé $240 billion was erased from the crypto market and the Crypto Fear and Greed Index continues to