Former Cohasset High School Employee Accused of Stealing Thousands in Electricity to Mine Bitcoin in School Campus Crawlspace

A former school assistant facilities director in Cohasset, Massachusetts, has been accused of operating a cryptocurrency mining operation inside a crawlspace at Cohasset High School. The Cohasset Police Department alleges that Nadeam Nahas stole nearly $18,000 in electricity to power the

L'opération internationale Dark Hunter s'empare $31.6 Millions en espèces et crypto-monnaies, 150 Arrêté

Opération Dark Hunter, un effort international coordonné sur trois continents pour perturber le trafic d'opioïdes sur le darknet, a conduit à l'arrestation de 150 personnes. Selon le Bureau fédéral d'enquête (FBI), the operation has also resulted in the seizure