Matrixport Joins Growing List of Crypto and Blockchain Companies Letting Employees Go

The crypto firm Matrixport, led by former Bitmain CEO Jihan Wu, is laying off 10% of the company’s staff, according to reports published on Friday. Matrixport’s COO, Cynthia Wu, cited ashift in the regulatory climate” et “industry-wide capitulationsas reasons

Singapore Seeks to Reduce Risks for Retail Crypto Investors With Restrictive Rules

Financial authorities in Singapore have proposed new regulations designed to protect consumers from risks associated with cryptocurrency investment and trading. The measures, which also aim to expand regulations for stablecoins, will be discussed with the industry before their adoption. Singapore Prepares

La «valeur fondamentale de Bitcoin n'est pas en ligne avec le prix du marché» - Crypto Miner

Profitable bitcoin mining is essentially a result of an efficient and highly skilled team of professionals that can maintain runtime, a founder of a Bitcoin mining company has asserted. Par conséquent, even when the price is hovering around $20,000, a bitcoin miner

DBS, la plus grande banque d'Asie du Sud-Est, va lancer le trading de crypto pour les investisseurs de détail

DBS, the largest bank in Southeast Asia, is planning to launch crypto trading for retail investors this year, la Banque’s CEO has revealed. He added that in the first half of this year, DBS will focus on makingaccess to digital

La Banque de Russie veut interdire aux fonds communs de placement d'investir dans la crypto-monnaie

Russie’la banque centrale a l'intention d'interdire aux fonds communs de placement d'acquérir des actifs cryptographiques ou des instruments financiers connexes. La proposition, qui est conforme à sa position ferme sur la monnaie numérique décentralisée, comes after the regulator urged stock exchanges to avoid trading

Ethereum contre. Les batailles sur les réseaux sociaux d'Avax font rage alors que les frais de L1 ne cessent d'augmenter

The Ethereum scaling wars are raging on social media due to the problems that this chain is facing, with fees on layer one (L1) at very high levels. Zhu Su, CEO of Three Arrows Capital, a notable crypto VC company, annoncé…

La Banque de Russie va « ralentir » les paiements aux échanges cryptographiques, Freiner les investissements impulsifs des Russes

La Banque centrale de Russie travaille désormais avec des banques commerciales afin de retarder les paiements effectués aux échanges d'actifs numériques. Le mouvement vise à limiter “émotif” achats de crypto-monnaie effectués par “sans réserve” investisseurs russes, un responsable de CBR a révélé. The move is likely