Le réseau Bitcoin se prépare à un autre pic de difficulté alors que le hashrate reste fort et que les mineurs profitent au milieu de la flambée des prix

Following the last two difficulty increases on the Bitcoin network, another rise in difficulty is expected to take place on March 24, 2023. Statistics show that Bitcoins hashrate has remained high despite the last two adjustments, and block times have been

Année difficile pour les mineurs de Bitcoin car moins de plates-formes minières BTC sont rentables aux prix actuels

Bitcoin miners have had a challenging year as the networks mining difficulty reached an all-time high and the spot market price of bitcoin dropped below the cost of production. Actuellement, with electricity costs at $0.07 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), only 18 application-specific

Bitcoin’s Hashrate Remains Stronger Than Ever in the Face of Crypto Winter Prices and Sky High Difficulty

Despite the fact that bitcoin miners are getting bare minimums in profits per petahash per second (PH/s), and the myriad of headlines showing specific mining operations folding from the crypto winter, the networks total hashrate continues to chug along at close

Le taux de hachage total du réseau de Bitcoin atteint un niveau record à 321 Exahash par seconde

According to statistics on October 5, the total computational power backing the Bitcoin network tapped a fresh all-time high reaching 321.15 exahash par seconde (EH/s). Just after the record high, the networks total hashrate was coasting along above the 300 EH/s…

Le hashrate de Bitcoin atteint un niveau record 300 Exahash par seconde

While Bitcoins mining difficulty was expected to decrease two days ago on June 8, instead the difficulty increased by 1.29% mercredi. Le même jour, at block height 739,928, Bitcoin’s hashrate tapped an all-time high (ATH) atteindre 292.02 exahash per

Bitcoin Mining Operation Genesis Digital Assets annonce un nouveau centre de données dans l'ouest du Texas

Following a number of ASIC mining rig acquisitions from the manufacturer Canaan, the bitcoin mining operation Genesis Digital Assets announced on Monday that the firm is developing an industrial-scale bitcoin mining data center in West Texas. Selon l'annonce, Genesis