Le réseau Bitcoin se prépare à un autre pic de difficulté alors que le hashrate reste fort et que les mineurs profitent au milieu de la flambée des prix

Following the last two difficulty increases on the Bitcoin network, another rise in difficulty is expected to take place on March 24, 2023. Statistics show that Bitcoin’s hashrate has remained high despite the last two adjustments, and block times have been faster than the ten-minute average.


Bitcoin Difficulty Expected to Rise Following the Past Two Consecutive Increases

Au moment de la rédaction, Bitcoin’s difficulty is at an all-time high of 43.55 mille milliards, and the network’s hashrate remains above the 300 exahash par seconde (EH/s) range at 319.86 EH/s. Bitcoin has risen 26.2% over the last two weeks against the U.S. dollar, which has greatly helped bitcoin miners, et BTC’s spot value is now above the cost to mine it.

Bitcoin miners dealt with two consecutive difficulty increases au cours du dernier mois, with the first jumping 9.95% higher on Feb. 24, 2023, and the second increasing by 1.16% en mars 10. The rise hasn’t seemed to affect bitcoin miners, as block interval times (times between each block mined) are still less than the ten-minute average. Actuellement, block times range between nine minutes and 28 seconds and nine minutes and 31 seconds.

At present, the estimated difficulty change for Friday, Le FMI avertit que les sanctions contre la Russie menacent de saper la domination du dollar américain 24, is expected to be between 2.51% et 5.7% higher than the current 43.55 mille milliards. If miners maintain or even accelerate their pace, the difficulty after the next adjustment could potentially rise above the 50 trillion hashes mark. Current estimates suggest the target range will be between 44.64 trillion and 49.25 mille milliards.

Bitcoin Network Preps for Another Difficulty Spike as Hashrate Remains Strong and Miners Profit Amid Price Surge
Le FMI avertit que les sanctions contre la Russie menacent de saper la domination du dollar américain 21, 2023, three-day statistics for bitcoin mining pool distribution according to btc.com.

Exploitation minière distribution statistics show that Foundry USA is currently the top bitcoin mining pool, avec 97.22 EH/s or 30.31% of the global hashrate. Foundry is followed by Antpool with 61.03 EH/s, and F2pool with 46.13 EH/s. The top five bitcoin mining pools, including Foundry, Antpool, F2pool, Binance Pool, and Viabtc, command 84.52% of the global hashrate as of March 21, 2023, according to three-day metrics.

Tags dans cette histoire
Algorithme, Antpool, Binance Pool, Bitcoin, Minage de bitcoins, Chaîne de blocs, BTC, Exploitation minière BTC, BTC.com, l'informatique, Crypto-monnaie, extraction de crypto-monnaie, Cryptographie, Décentralisé, difficulté, Actifs numériques, Monnaie numérique, digital economy, economics, electronic cash, encryption, F2Pool, La finance, Technologie financière, Foundry, Taux de hachage, Internet, investissement, investment strategy, millions dans un cycle de financement de série A + dirigé par Andreessen Horowitz, exploitation minière, mining pool distribution, D'égal à égal, Sécurité, speculative, La technologie, three-day metrics, commerce, ViaBTC, Monnaie virtuelle

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Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman est le responsable de l'information chez Bitcoin-Tidings.com News et un journaliste spécialisé dans les technologies financières vivant en Floride. Redman est un membre actif de la communauté des crypto-monnaies depuis 2011. Il a une passion pour Bitcoin, code open-source, et applications décentralisées. Depuis septembre 2015, Redman a écrit plus de 6,000 articles pour Bitcoin-Tidings.com Actualités sur les protocoles perturbateurs qui émergent aujourd'hui.

Crédits image: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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