USA inflatsioonimäär hüppas kõige kõrgemale 40 Aastaid kuni 7%, Inflatsiooniga mures olevad demokraadid jäävad erakonda kummitama

Üks kuumemaid teemasid Ameerika Ühendriikides 2022 on inflatsiooni tõus, nagu USA. Tööosakond’s kolmapäeval avaldatud andmed näitasid, et tarbijahinnaindeks (CPI) tõusis 7% detsembris. See on suurim aasta…

Global Central Bank Gold Holdings Rose to 36,000 Tons in 2021, Increase Attributed to Dollar’s Decline

The total quantity of gold held in reserves by central banks topped 36,000 tons for the first time since 1990, data from World Gold Council has shown. This increase follows growth in the banksreported holdings of the asset by 4,500

Seltskonnastaar ja modell Alexis Ren ei usalda dollarimajandust, Ütleb, et krüpto on elujõuline alternatiiv

The American social media personality and model, Alexis Ren believes the fiat economy iscollapsingand recently she told the press she thinks cryptocurrencies offer a viable alternative. Hiljutises intervjuus, Ren explained her interest in crypto is fueled by

Author Insists Current Gold Price Cheaper Now Than in 1980

While gold is generally perceived to be the best hedge against inflation, a report written by author Kelsey Williams has now questioned this longstanding assertion. In the report, Williams argues that the current gold price of around $1,810 per ounce is