Krüptoinvesteeringute populaarsus nõuab regulatsioone, Austraalia väärtpaberite valvekoer ütleb

Krüpto omamise kõrged määrad, ostudega, mis on sageli tehtud Youtube'i ja Facebooki nõuannete põhjal, tegema “tugev põhjendus reguleerimiseks,” Austraalia väärtpaberi- ja investeerimiskomisjoni andmetel. Valvekoer toetab oma seisukohta küsitlustulemustega, mis näitavad peaaegu poole…

230 Majandusteadlased hoiatavad, et USA valitsuse kavandatav inflatsiooni vähendamise seadus soodustab inflatsiooni

Eelmine nädal, Democrats unveiled climate and health care legislation called theInflation Reduction Act,” and theres a lot of debate over the name of the proposed public policy measures. After the legislation was revealed, 230 economists sent a letter to the

Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester Is ‘Not Predicting a Recession,’ Says Inflation Will Move Down

Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank president Loretta Mester doesnt think a recession will take place in the United States but believes it will take two years to get inflation back down to 2%. While speaking during an interview on Sunday, Mester explained

Ameerika majandusteadlased on hämmingus ebatavalise olukorra pärast, kuna Venemaa rubla on maailma parima tootlikkusega Fiati valuuta

Two months after the Russian ruble fell below a U.S. penny, the transcontinental countrys fiat currency is the best performing currency worldwide. American economists are baffled by theunusual situationbecause a country facing stiff sanctions typically sees its fiat currency

Veteraninvestor Jim Rogers on krüptoraha tuleviku suhtes optimistlik

Tuntud investor Jim Rogers, kes asutas koos miljardärist investor George Sorosega fondi Quantum, says he hasoptimism about the future of crypto money.” Kuid, he is skeptical of central bank digital currencies and warned that the world is looking for

BIS: 9 otsas 10 Keskpangad üle maailma uurivad digitaalseid valuutasid – ajendatud krüptoturust

Üheksa välja 10 keskpangad kogu maailmas uurivad keskpankade digitaalseid valuutasid (CBDC-d), Rahvusvahelise Arvelduspanga viimase uuringu kohaselt (BIS). Lisaks, “the emergence of stablecoins and other cryptocurrencies have accelerated the work on CBDCs.” BIS…

Joe Rogan ütleb, et Bitcoin on n-ö hulluks minemas, Viimased inflatsiooni kohta, ja palju muud – uudistenädala ülevaade

Another whirlwind week in crypto draws to a close, and of course theres no shortage of spicy stories and new, compelling narratives in the world of innovative digital money. See nädal, Elon Musk gives investment advice, United States Securities and Exchange

Uurimisfirma ennustab, et Bitcoin jõuab aasta teisel poolel 200 000 dollarini 2022, ETH jõuab 12 000 dollarini

This week in a note to investors, Fsinsight, a Fundstrat company, said bitcoin could reach $200,000 during the second half of the year. In the investors note, Fsinsights head of digital asset strategy, Sean Farrell, said the parabolic growth would be

Net Inflows Into Largest Gold ETF Surge Amidst Falling Stocks and Crypto Prices

Net inflows into SPDR Gold Shares surged to a new record of $1.63 miljardit, the highest since its listing in 2004. The surge of net inflows into one of the largest gold exchange-traded funds (ETF-id) comes against a backdrop of falling