US Lawmaker Urges Government to Guarantee All Deposits to Avoid Runs on Smaller Banks

USA. congressman has urged the federal government to temporarily insure every bank deposit in the country. Following the collapses of several major banks, he stressed that if the government does not do this, there will be a run on smaller

Binance Bans Russians From P2P Transactions With Dollars and Euros

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has introduced new restrictions for Russian users, in accordance with the latest European sanctions. The platform is restricting access to peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions in U.S. dollars and euros for traders based in the Russian Federation. Binance Prohibits US

ESG Analyst Daniel Batten Reveals Dynamic Charts Showing Bitcoin’s 52.6% Sustainable Energy Use

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) analyst Daniel Batten said Tuesday that the computational backbone of the Bitcoin network now uses 52.6% sustainable energy. Batten and onchain analyst Willy Woo created Dynamic Bitcoin ESG Charts to showcase the protocol’s progress. Contrary to

Crypto Exchanges Binance and Kuna Suspend Card Transactions in Ukrainian Hryvnia

Major cryptocurrency exchanges operating in Ukraine have temporarily suspended operations with hryvnia bank cards. The measure stems from restrictions imposed by the country’s central bank, Binance and Kuna indicated in comments for crypto media. Ukrainians Unable to Trade Crypto Assets Using

Apple’s Approval Process Delays Uniswap’s Mobile App Launch; Firm Launches Limited Trial Release

märtsil 3, 2023, Unswap Labs, the firm behind the decentralized exchange Uniswap, announced the launch of a limited early-release application through Apple’s Testflight program. The company stated that the limited release was due to Apple not granting approval for the

FTX võlgnikud teatavad viimases esitluses 8,9 miljardi dollari suurusest puudujäägist klientide vahendites ja väga segatud varades

märtsil 2, 2023, FTX-võlglased avaldasid oma teise sidusrühmade ettekande, mis sisaldab praeguseks kadunud krüptovaluutabörsi esialgset analüüsi’s puudujääke. Viimane esitlus paljastab olulise puudujäägi, nagu ligikaudu $2.2 miljardit ettevõttest’s koguvara leiti aastal…

Zimbabwean Blockchain Startups Launch Service to Help Migrants Efficiently Move Funds Across Borders

Two Zimbabwean startups, Flexid and Uhuru Wallet, recently launched a platform that offers digital identity and remittance services to migrants living and working in South Africa. The two startups hailed what they’ve described as thefirst cross-chain collaboration between the two

Krüptovahetused võimaldavad venelastel sanktsioonidest kõrvale hiilida, Teata väidetest

Suured krüptovahetused ei ole suutnud takistada sanktsioonide alla kuuluvaid Venemaa panku ja kauplejaid tehinguid tegemast, vastavalt plokiahela kohtuekspertiisi aruandele. Vähemalt kaks väljakujunenud mündikaubandusplatvormi lubavad venelastel jätkuvalt kasutada oma pangakaarte peer-to-peer tehingutes, the analysis