Galaxy Digital lõpeb $1.2 Miljardi bitgo omandamise tehing, Krüptofirma plaanib endiselt Nasdaqi noteerimist

Galaxy Digital Holdings and the companys CEO and founder Mike Novogratz announced the company hasexercised its right to terminatea previously announced acquisition of Bitgo. According to Galaxy the termination of the deal was due to Bitgo’s “failure to deliver”…

PoW Miners teenib kasumit ETH kaevandamisest kuni lõpuni, Ethash Networks ootab hoogu, JPMorgani strateegid ütlevad, et ETC võib olla kasulik

In just over a months time, The Merge is likely to be implemented on the Ethereum blockchain and the networks proof-of-work (PoW) miners will be forced to mine another coin. Nii kaugel, it seems ethereum miners are sticking with the PoW

Krüptoinvesteeringute populaarsus nõuab regulatsioone, Austraalia väärtpaberite valvekoer ütleb

Krüpto omamise kõrged määrad, ostudega, mis on sageli tehtud Youtube'i ja Facebooki nõuannete põhjal, tegema “tugev põhjendus reguleerimiseks,” Austraalia väärtpaberi- ja investeerimiskomisjoni andmetel. Valvekoer toetab oma seisukohta küsitlustulemustega, mis näitavad peaaegu poole…

SEC tasud 11 Inimesed sisse $300 Miljoni Forsage'i krüptopüramiidi ja Ponzi skeem

USA. Väärtpaberi- ja börsikomisjon (SEC) has charged four founders and seven promoters of Forsage, which it described asa fraudulent crypto pyramid and Ponzi scheme.The scheme allegedly raised more than $300 million from millions of retail investors worldwide,…

Bitcoin’s ‘Fundamental Value Is Not in Line With Market Price’ — Crypto Miner

Profitable bitcoin mining is essentially a result of an efficient and highly skilled team of professionals that can maintain runtime, a founder of a Bitcoin mining company has asserted. Seetõttu, even when the price is hovering around $20,000, a bitcoin miner

Colombia astub esimesi samme krüptovaluutavahetuste reguleerimise suunas

Colombia kongress kiitis oma esimesel arutelul heaks seaduseelnõu, mis reguleerib krüptovaluutabörside käitumist riigis, astudes esimesi samme selles küsimuses selguse toomiseks. Üks eelnõu koostajaid, Mauricio Toro,…

Portugali parlament lükkas eelarvearutelu ajal krüptomaksustamise ettepanekud tagasi

Kaks krüptovarade maksustamise ettepanekut ei ole leidnud toetust Portugali seadusandjatelt, kes arutavad praegu riigieelarvet. Pakkumised tulid vasakpoolsetelt vähemuserakondadelt, while the ruling majority is yet to put forward its own draft to

Ethereum Hashrate Taps an All-Time High Amid This Week’s Crypto Market Meltdown

Amid the crazy week in the world of cryptocurrencies and the Bitcoin networks mining difficulty reaching a lifetime high at 31.25 triljonit, Ethereum’s hashrate tapped an all-time high on May 13, ploki kõrgusel 14,770,231. Cryptocurrency miners continue to dedicate large

Heroes of Arcan kuulutab välja kogukonnapõhise kangelasliku fantaasiamängu, mille abil saate teenida

PRESSITEADE. Heroes of Arcan aims to create a play-to-earn game that offers players engaging, challenging peer-to-peer strategic gameplay backed by ethical, carbon-neutral blockchain technology. The play-to-earn revolution has catalyzed global change in blockchain and cryptocurrency markets, with over 750,000 individual