Binance ja avaldavad Global Auditor Mazars Groupi läbiviidud reservi tõendavad auditid

Sel nädalal esitasid kaks krüptovaluutabörsi reservide tõendit, et rõhutada, et kauplemisplatvormid toetavad klientide varasid 1:1. Binance avaldas oma aruande detsembris. 7, 2022, ja kirjeldas auditi läbi viinud ülemaailmset audiitorit Mazars Group. detsembril. 9,…

Bitcoin Miner Greenidge püüab tõsta $22.8 Miljon A-klassi ühisaktsiate pakkumises

The bitcoin mining operation Greenidge Generation is seeking to raise roughly $22.8 miljonit, according to a U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing published Wednesday. According to the prospectus disclosing information, the New York-based Greenidge conducted a sales agreement with the investment

Basel Study Shows World’s Largest Banks Are Exposed to $9 Billion in Crypto Assets

A first-of-its-kind study published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision details that the worlds largest financial institutions are exposed to roughly €9.4 miljardit (US$9 billion) in crypto assets. The research paper authored by the Basel Committees secretariat Renzo Corrias further

California Governor Newsom Vetoes Bill to Regulate Crypto — Calls for ‘More Flexible Approach’

California Governor Gavin Newsom has vetoed a bill to regulate crypto in his state. He stressed thata more flexible approach is needed” juurde “keep up with rapidly evolving technology and use casesin the crypto sector. Bill to Regulate Crypto

IMF: Krüptovarad muutuvad nõrkade valuutade vastu maandamiseks populaarsemaks, Võimalikud maksevahendid

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) published a report stating that crypto assets have gained amore mainstream presence as speculative investments, hedges against weak currencies, and potential payment instruments.The IMF has called for a global response to crypto regulation that

Rakendatud plokiahela muudatused, Sõlmib Põhja-Dakotas asuva maa ostulepingu

Sel nädalal teatas kaevandusettevõte Applied Blockchain, et muudab oma ettevõtte nime Applied Digitaliks. Lisaks, kaevandamisoperatsioon vabastati 2022 majandustulemused ja tegevusvärskendused, milles märgiti, et kaevandusettevõte sõlmis augustis ostulepingu…

Krüptoinvesteeringute populaarsus nõuab regulatsioone, Austraalia väärtpaberite valvekoer ütleb

Krüpto omamise kõrged määrad, ostudega, mis on sageli tehtud Youtube'i ja Facebooki nõuannete põhjal, tegema “tugev põhjendus reguleerimiseks,” Austraalia väärtpaberi- ja investeerimiskomisjoni andmetel. Valvekoer toetab oma seisukohta küsitlustulemustega, mis näitavad peaaegu poole…

Leidja oma $675 ETH ennustus, India kutsub G20 Re: Krüptomaksud, Peterffy mures BTC võib muutuda väärtusetuks või seadusevastaseks - uudistenädala ülevaates

In this weeks bite-sized digest of the hottest stories from News, a new Finder survey knocks down previous forecasts for ethereums price a notch, with crypto experts predicting lower long-term prices for the asset. Samuti, India calls on G20 nations

Hongkong kehtestab AML-seaduse kaudu krüptoplatvormide litsentsimise

New legislation tailored to regulate the crypto space in Hong Kong aims to implement a licensing regime for crypto service providers. The respective changes to the regions anti-money laundering (AML) rules have been submitted to its legislature while a recently published

Colombian Money Laundering Watchdog Postpones Crypto Transaction Reporting Resolution

The UIAF, which is the Colombian money laundering watchdog, has postponed the date on which exchanges and individuals must start reporting their transactions to the organization. The institution will now open a consulting period in which companies and individuals can present