USA rahandusministeeriumi aruanne hoiatab Defi ohu eest riiklikule julgeolekule, Autorid järeldavad, et Fiati kasutatakse ebaseaduslikus rahanduses rohkem kui krüpto

USA. Treasury on välja andnud 42-leheküljelise aruande, milles hinnatakse detsentraliseeritud rahanduse riske (defi). Aruandes öeldakse, et konkreetsed rahvusriigi vastased, küberkurjategijad, lunavara ründajad, vargad, ja petturid kasutavad defit “oma ebaseaduslikku tulu üle kanda ja pesta.” Riigikassa aruanne…

Brazilian Securities Commission CVM Opens a Path for Funds to Invest in Crypto

The Brazilian Securities Commission CVM has cleared the path for funds to dive into cryptocurrency-based investments. The institution issued a new set of rules that allows financial investment funds to invest in cryptocurrency tokens with the equivalent protections offered to other

US Treasury Seeks Public Comments on Crypto-Related Illicit Finance and National Security Risks

USA. Department of the Treasury is seeking public input ondigital-asset-related illicit finance and national security risks.The department warned: “The growing use of digital assets in financial activity heightens risks of crimes such as money laundering, terrorist and proliferation

US Treasury Delivers Crypto Framework to Biden as Directed in Executive Order

USA. Treasury Department has delivered a framework for crypto assets to President Joe Biden, fulfilling its obligation as directed in the executive order on crypto that the president issued in March. USA. Treasury Secretary Delivers Crypto Framework to Biden The

Usbekistani president annab välja krüptovaluutat reguleeriva dekreedi, Kaevandamine ja kauplemine

Usbekistani valitsus on asunud laiendama oma krüptoeeskirju president Šavkat Mirziyojevi allkirjastatud dekreediga. Dokumendis on määratletud sellised terminid nagu krüptovarad, vahetada, ja kaevandamine, ja määrab tööstuse peamise reguleeriva asutuse. Agency

100 Companies Fail to Obtain Crypto Licenses in Singapore Due to Tough Regulation

Rohkem kui 100 companies that applied for a license to offer crypto services in Singapore have either been turned down or withdrawn their applications. “Cryptocurrencies could be abused for money laundering, terrorism financing, or proliferation financing due to the speed and