Bitcoini võrgustik on hämmingus 390,000 Kinnitamata tehingud ja kasvavad tasud

Veidi alla kahe nädala pärast, aastast on Bitcoini võrgus tehtud kinnitamata tehingute arv hüppeliselt tõusnud 134,000 üle 390,000, tekitades mempoolis kitsaskoha. See kinnitamata tehingute kasv on toonud kaasa jahmatava 343% increase in transaction

Core Scientific Shares Downgraded After SEC Filing Hints at Possible Bankruptcy

One of the largest publicly listed bitcoin miners, Põhiteaduslik, has shaken investors with a recent filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that raises the possibility the company may apply for bankruptcy protection. The filing notes that Core Scientific

Polygon Reveals Supernets Project to Bolster Web3 Adoption, Pledges $100 Million to Early Users

aprillil 22, the layer two (L2) scaling network Polygon introduced the new Supernets network, a blockchain protocol thats built to bolster Web3 technology. Lisaks, Polygon is pledging $100 million to early Supernet userswho can help fast-track adoption.” Teadaanne…