Hiljutine küsitlus näitab, et El Salvadori kodanikke ei müüda ikka veel Bitcoinis

Avaliku Arvamuse Ülikooli Instituudi hiljutine küsitlus, osa Simeon Canase Kesk-Ameerika ülikoolist, on leidnud, et El Salvadori ei köida ikka veel idee bitcoinist seadusliku maksevahendina. The poll results indicate that almost two-thirds

Salvadoran Court of Accounts to Investigate Government’s Bitcoin ATM Buys, Chivo Kiosk Construction

According to reports stemming from the Salvadoran Court of Accounts, the regulatory body is planning to investigate the governments bitcoin automated teller machine (sularahaautomaat) purchases and Chivo kiosk construction. The investigation follows the recent protest in El Salvador against the adoption

Biggest Bank in El Salvador Now Accepts Bitcoin as Payment for Financial Products

Bancoagricola, the biggest bank in El Salvador, is now accepting bitcoin to pay for debts originated from the use of its instruments, according to a PR statement. The institution partnered with Flexa, a payments network, to include cryptocurrency capabilities in its