USA inflatsiooniandmed leevendavad muret; Krüptomajandus hüppab 11% Kõrgem, samas kui turuanalüütikud ootavad Fedi järgmist otsust

USA. Tööministeerium avaldas tarbijahinnaindeksi (CPI) aruanne teisipäeval. Kuigi inflatsioon veebruaris aastatagusega võrreldes kasvas, tõus oli ootuspärane, ja kõigi artiklite aastane inflatsioonimäär oli 6%. Jahutav inflatsioon on mõningaid muresid leevendanud, aga…

Gold Outshined Bitcoin This Month Climbing 6% Higher Amid US Real Estate Slump, Lower CPI Data

See kuu, gold has outperformed bitcoin after crypto markets shuddered from the recent FTX collapse, and the precious yellow metal climbed 6.12% since the first of November. USA. housing market has shown weaknesses and Octobers U.S. inflation rate was lower

Fed’s Inflation Nowcasting Data Shows Future CPI Increases, US Gross National Debt Hits $31 triljon

A recently published forecast stemming from the Federal Reserve Bank of Clevelands Inflation Nowcasting data indicates upcoming U.S. tarbijahinnaindeks (CPI) metrics will likely be elevated. The newly predicted CPI levels were recorded the same day Americas gross national debt

US Inflation Remains Scorching Hot, Jumping to 9.1% in June — White House Says CPI Data Is Already ‘Out-of-Date’

According to the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (CPI) aruanne, USA. inflation remains scorching hot as it has risen at the fastest yearly rate since 1981. juunini’s CPI data reflected a 9.1% year-over-year increase, even though a number