Demandas relacionadas con criptomonedas aumentan en Rusia, Los casos penales aumentan en 40%

Courts in Russia are hearing a growing number of cases around crypto assets, a new study has shown. About two-thirds of them have been launched under provisions of the countrys Criminal Code but civil cases represent a large share as well….

Resultados de la encuesta del BCE 10% de los hogares de la eurozona poseen criptoactivos

uno en cada 10 hogares en seis países de la eurozona han adquirido criptomonedas, el Banco Central Europeo (BCE) ha encontrado con una nueva encuesta. Mientras que los más ricos tienen más probabilidades de poseer criptoactivos, las familias pobres no se quedan atrás, the poll

Vietnamese Government and Central Bank Developing Legal Framework for Crypto

Vietnam is creating a legal framework for cryptocurrency. The countrys deputy prime minister has instructed the Ministries of Finance, Justice, and Information & Communications to work with the central bank, the State Bank of Vietnam, on the framework. Vietnam Creating Legal

Funcionario del Tesoro de EE. UU.: No vemos que las criptomonedas puedan usarse a gran escala para evadir sanciones

Los Estados Unidos. Department of the Treasury does not see that cryptocurrency could be used in a large-scale way to evade sanctions. “Its share as a medium for illicit finance is not anywhere as large as just using cash,” a senior Treasury

Un nuevo artículo académico describe 3 Métodos de ataque contra una cadena PoS de Ethereum

Tras la actualización de Altair en la red Ethereum, el protocolo’La criptomoneda nativa alcanzó un nuevo precio máximo histórico. Altair es el siguiente paso para Ethereum’red’s prueba de participación (punto de venta) transición. Sin embargo, Un documento técnico presentado recientemente explica que un grupo de…

Central Bank of Uruguay Describes Roadmap to Crypto Asset Regulation

The Central Bank of Uruguay has issued a statement describing a roadmap for the regulation of cryptocurrency assets in the near future. The institution stated it has established a group to examine the best way possible to regulate these assets, considering