El tamaño del libro mayor distribuido de Bitcoin se acerca a medio terabyte

Well over a decade ago, on January 3, 2009, the size of the Bitcoin blockchain was 0.285 kilobytes (kB) or around 285 bytes. Este Dia, sin embargo, the blockchains ledger is nearly half a terabyte, or roughly 432 gigabytes. Bitcoin’s Blockchain Nears 500

Un detective descubre la versión de Bitcoin perdida hace mucho tiempo de Satoshi 0.1 Base de código, El código sin formato contiene anotaciones personales nunca antes vistas del inventor de Bitcoin

En octubre 7, 2022, un partidario de bitcoin llamado Jim Blasko explicó que descubrió la carga más antigua de Bitcoin’versión s 0.1 base de código. Se pensaba que el código original se había perdido durante más de una década y con un “little browser

El cambio de dificultad minera de Bitcoin imprime el segundo aumento más grande de 2022: la métrica se acerca al máximo histórico

El miércoles, Bitcoin’s mining difficulty jumped 9.26% higher, recording the second highest difficulty rise in 2022. The latest rise is Bitcoins third difficulty increase since August 4, 2022, y eso’s now 11.63% harder to find bitcoin block reward. Bitcoin Difficulty Jumps

Libro de autor nigeriano recuerda a nuevos adoptantes por qué se creó Bitcoin

Nigerian author and crypto advocate Nathaniel Luz has said his recently published book represents his attempt to remind people of the initial reason why bitcoin was created. He said bitcoin is the summation of over three decades of research and experimentation….

A Newly Published Book Claims to Tell the ‘Real Story Behind Mysterious Bitcoin Creator’

Durante el último 13 years, a great number of individuals have claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin, but no single person has been able to prove this to the greater crypto community. At the end of August 2019, a marketing

El fundador de FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, cree que Bitcoin no tiene futuro como red de pagos

Sam Bankman-frito, el fundador del intercambio de criptomonedas FTX, has given his take regarding the future of Bitcoins usage. Bankman-Fried stated he doesnt believe that Bitcoin will work as a payments network, due to its limited capability for scaling to fulfill

Spanish Cryptocurrency Exchange Bit2me Expands Operations to Brazil

The Spanish cryptocurrency exchange Bit2me is taking interest in getting into the Latam market. The company has launched its operations in Brazil by introducing an office in the country that will deal with compliance issues to make the exchange a safe

Veredicto de demanda de Bitcoin de mil millones de dólares apelado: el autoproclamado inventor de Bitcoin espera una victoria

The law firm representing Ira Kleiman has sent a notice of appeal to the Florida District Court in an attempt to appeal the courts rejection of a Kleiman v. Wright retrial. The self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor, Craig Wright, was cleared of all

La secretaria del Tesoro, Yellen, dice que la criptorregulación debería apoyar la innovación responsable, Gestionar riesgos

Treasury Secretary Yellen says the regulatory frameworks for crypto assets in the U.S. shouldsupport responsible innovation while managing risks.She emphasized, “Regulation should be based on risks and activities, not specific technologies.Treasury Secretary Yellen on Crypto Regulation U.S. Tesorería…

Islamic Scholar Says Digital Currency is Not a ‘Fictitious Currency’

An Islamic scholar, Irshad Ahmad Ijaz, has asserted that digital currency is not fake currency and that it should be legitimized once certain conditions are met. Ijazs viewpoint is echoed by other scholars that attended a seminar examining the status of