Mike Novogratz espera que Bitcoin alcance los USD 500 000: dice que BTC es una gran alternativa en economías con mala administración

Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz says bitcoin is a great alternative and a lifeline to people in countries with poor stewardship of the economy. He expects the price of the cryptocurrency to hit $500K. “We see an adoption cycle that accelerates

El poder de elusión de sanciones de Crypto: Por qué la neutralidad de Bitcoin es su mayor activo humanitario

Redes descentralizadas como Bitcoin’s don’No conozco la lealtad nacional, solo saben matematicas. Y cuando tu’Estás intentando sacar tus ahorros de un cajero automático., o enviar un pago a familiares en un entorno devastado por la guerra, alguien más’La política es la última.…

Candidato presidencial en Corea del Sur para recaudar fondos en criptomoneda, Emitir NFT

Lee Jae-myung, nominated by the ruling party in South Korea for the upcoming presidential elections this spring, is preparing to raise funds in cryptocurrencies and issue non-fungible tokens for supporters. His campaign hopes that the initiative will woo young and tech-savvy

El periodista y youtuber Tim Pool cree 1 Bitcoin 'eventualmente será equivalente a $1 Millón'

The American journalist, Youtuber, podcast host, and political commentator, Tim Pool, has talked about bitcoin on numerous occasions and even more so these days as the crypto asset crossed its all-time price high. After the Proshares exchange-traded fund (fondo cotizado en bolsa) launched on

IRS, Janet Yellen Press Lawmakers to Push ‘Tax Compliance Agenda’ — Banks to Report Deposits, Withdrawals of $600

El miércoles, A NOSOTROS. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) commissioner Charles Rettig and Janet Yellen, the Treasury secretary, urged lawmakers to give the IRS permission to report annual inflows and outflows from American bank accounts. Regardless of tax liability, financial institutions across the