Renault se asocia con The Sandbox para llevar experiencias automotrices al metaverso

The Korean subsidiary of Renault, a historic brand in the automotive industry, is establishing a partnership with The Sandbox, an Ethereum-based metaverse platform, to enter the metaverse space. With this partnership, Renault Koreas objective is to establish its brand presence in

Candidato presidencial en Corea del Sur para recaudar fondos en criptomoneda, Emitir NFT

Lee Jae-myung, nominated by the ruling party in South Korea for the upcoming presidential elections this spring, is preparing to raise funds in cryptocurrencies and issue non-fungible tokens for supporters. His campaign hopes that the initiative will woo young and tech-savvy

El gobierno coreano dice 28 Los intercambios de criptomonedas han cumplido con los requisitos reglamentarios para continuar con las operaciones

The deadline for cryptocurrency exchanges to meet the requirements to continue operations under new crypto regulations in South Korea is rapidly approaching. A total of 28 cryptocurrency exchanges have reportedly been cleared by the regulators to remain open. Sin embargo, only four