Analyst Warns of Banks’ Authority to Confiscate Funds, Decline of US Dollar Purchasing Power

According to Lynette Zang, chief market analyst at ITM Trading, A NOSOTROS. banks have the legal authority to confiscate people’s funds due to legislation passed by Congress. En una entrevista reciente, Zang discussed how the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar has

Spacewalkers: Becoming an Investor on the Blockchain – How Can Anyone Invest in the Gaming Industry?

Spacewalkers, a gaming studio, is revolutionizing the way that investors can participate in the profits of their projects. The company is releasing a series of games and offering the opportunity for anyone to invest in them through the use of blockchain

Las inquietantes similitudes del gran cambio monetario de hoy y la creación del sistema de la Reserva Federal impulsada por el pánico

Si bien muchos estadounidenses creen que los EE.. La Reserva Federal es el guardián del país.’sistema monetario, también se cree que es una de las peores instituciones financieras jamás creadas. En 2022, en medio de una economía sombría, guerra, and a number of global

El presidente salvadoreño, Nayib Bukele, se burla del economista Steve Hanke después de que el precio de Bitcoin se disparara

En octubre 15, the day bitcoins price surpassed the $60K per unit handle, Salvadoran president Nayib Bukele taunted the professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, steve hanke, over his recent statements. En el momento, the well known economist warned