El presidente de la República Centroafricana dice que el lanzamiento exitoso de la moneda Sango es un hito clave

According to Central African Republic President Faustin-Archange Touadéra, his countrys launch of theSango coin” divisa, as well as the call for the creation of a common digital currency by the regional central bank, represent two key achievements for his country

Reporte: El FMI dice que la adopción de Bitcoin por parte de la República Centroafricana plantea riesgos

The International Money Fund (FMI) has added its voice to institutions and parties criticizing the Central African Republic (COCHE)’s decision to adopt bitcoin. The IMF insists the adoption poses legal economic challenges not only to the country but to the region

El Reino de Tonga puede adoptar Bitcoin como moneda de curso legal, Dice el ex miembro del parlamento

The Kingdom of Tonga may adopt bitcoin as legal tender, according to a former member of Tongas parliament, Lord Fusitu’a, who tweeted about a possible timeline for this event to occur. Fusitua believes that by next fall a bill will be

El presidente salvadoreño, Nayib Bukele, se burla del economista Steve Hanke después de que el precio de Bitcoin se disparara

En octubre 15, the day bitcoins price surpassed the $60K per unit handle, Salvadoran president Nayib Bukele taunted the professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, steve hanke, over his recent statements. En el momento, the well known economist warned