Intercambios criptográficos coreanos Upbit, Bithumb allanado por las transacciones criptográficas del legislador

Los fiscales de Corea del Sur allanaron dos de las plataformas de comercio de monedas más grandes del país dentro de una investigación sobre las inversiones en criptomonedas de un político.. Confiscaron materiales de Upbit y Bithumb en medio de sospechas de irregularidades relacionadas con las tenencias de criptomonedas del legislador.. Sur…

WEMIX Delisting: South Korean Crypto Exchange Upbit Accused of Instigating Token Removal

According to the CEO of Wemade, Henry Chang, the South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Upbit was the brains behind the Digital Asset Exchange Joint Consultative Body (DAXA)’s decision to delist WEMIX. The Wemade CEO accused Upbit of applying different standards and of

Binance suspende transacciones con tarjetas Mastercard y Visa rusas

Crypto exchange Binance has blocked transactions with Mastercard and Visa cards issued in the Russian Federation. The trading platform announced the move after the American payment giants decided to halt operations in Russia over its military invasion of Ukraine. Russians Unable

29 Crypto Exchanges Survive New Regulation in South Korea, 37 Exchanges Must Shut Down

The deadline for crypto exchanges and service providers in South Korea to meet requirements to stay open under the new regulation has passed. Twenty-nine cryptocurrency exchanges met the deadline to continue operations but only four of them can offer trading in

El gobierno coreano dice 28 Los intercambios de criptomonedas han cumplido con los requisitos reglamentarios para continuar con las operaciones

The deadline for cryptocurrency exchanges to meet the requirements to continue operations under new crypto regulations in South Korea is rapidly approaching. A total of 28 cryptocurrency exchanges have reportedly been cleared by the regulators to remain open. Sin embargo, only four

Se espera que cierre la revisión regulatoria de FSC 40 Intercambios de criptomonedas en Corea del Sur

A new regulatory overhaul could put 40 fuera de 60 exchanges out of business in South Korea after the firms are expected to fail to meet the conditions that are being proposed by the Financial Services Commission (FSC). This action might