Lagarde, presidenta del BCE, advierte sobre un “gran desastre” si Estados Unidos incumple sus obligaciones de deuda

Últimamente se habla mucho sobre Estados Unidos.. El techo de deuda del gobierno y si el Congreso actuará antes de incumplir el default.. En una entrevista reciente, Cristina Lagarde, el presidente del banco central europeo (BCE), dijo que confía en que EE.UU.. poder…

South African Professor Accuses US Regulators of Attempting to ‘Assassinate Crypto’

The United Statesattempts toassassinate cryptoare illegal and unlikely to succeed becausecrypto is global,” Steven Boykey Sidley, a South African professor and author, has argued. According to Sidley, many formerly U.S.-based companies and innovators have fled the country

Support for Ripple Grows in SEC Lawsuit Over XRP — CEO Says ‘It’s Unprecedented’

Support for Ripple Labs in its fight against the U.S. Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (SEGUNDO) over xrp has grown, con 12 amicus briefs filed. “Eso’s unprecedented,” Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse said, adding that each brief explains in its own unique way

Docenas de criptoempresas esperan la licencia de Portugal a pesar del cierre de cuentas bancarias

The central bank of Portugal is now reviewing 12 requests from businesses that want to provide crypto-related services in the country. The applications are pending decision amid recent reports that some commercial banks are closing accounts of already approved operators. Binance…

Empresario keniano acusado de defraudar a inversores por más de $140 Millón

Businessman and owner of a Kenyan football club, Ricardo Badoer, has been accused of fleecing more than $140 million from investors via his Aidos Kuneen cryptocurrency. Threats Against Investors According to a local report, Kenyan businessman Ricardo Badoer is being accused