Banco Central de Argentina emitirá nuevos 2,000 Billete de peso mientras la inflación sigue aumentando

El Banco Central de Argentina anunció la emisión de un nuevo 2,000 peso bill, destinado a aliviar la carga del uso de efectivo para pagos en el país. La factura, which will have a value of a little more than $5

EE. UU. con el mayor número de cajeros automáticos de Bitcoin cerrados en un año de crecimiento negativo

The number of ATMs supporting digital currencies has fallen around the world over the course of a turbulent year for the whole industry. According to a new report, the United States has lost more machines offering crypto teller services than any

Nigeria Announces New Cash Withdrawal Restrictions — ATMs Limited to Less Than $44 per Day

In a new directive to financial institutions, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) said individuals can now only withdraw an equivalent of just under $222 per week while corporates can only withdraw cash not exceeding $1,111 during the same period. los…

Colombian Financial Superintendence Prepares Norms for Crypto Transactions

The Colombian Financial Superintendence, the securities and financial watchdog of the country, is working on a document to regulate the transactions and operations made using cryptocurrency assets in the country. The organization announced that it will present the document in the

Banco Central de Singapur: Queremos ser un centro criptográfico global responsable

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the countrys central bank and the regulator of the crypto sector, says that its licensing process for digital asset service providers needs to be stringent. “It needs to be because we want to be a

Tracker Shows Close to 3,000 Crypto ATMs Were Installed in 2022’s First Quarter

Durante el último 12 meses, allá’s been an exponential number of cryptocurrency automated teller machines (ATMs) installed as data shows that 20,000 crypto ATMs were installed last year. This year machines are still being installed in great numbers and since December

El poder de elusión de sanciones de Crypto: Por qué la neutralidad de Bitcoin es su mayor activo humanitario

Redes descentralizadas como Bitcoin’s don’No conozco la lealtad nacional, solo saben matematicas. Y cuando tu’Estás intentando sacar tus ahorros de un cajero automático., o enviar un pago a familiares en un entorno devastado por la guerra, alguien más’La política es la última.…

El Banco Central de Ucrania limita los retiros de efectivo en medio del ataque ruso

The central bank of Ukraine has capped withdrawals of cash in national fiat and banned those in foreign currency. The monetary authority says the measures aim to ensure the functioning of the nations financial system under the martial law introduced in