Überweisungen nach Afrika sollen vergehen 5.4 % zu $41 Milliarde – Covid-19-Pandemie und hohe Sendekosten verantwortlich gemacht

According to findings from the Continental Migration Report 2021, remittances to African countries are projected to decrease from the $44 billion recorded in 2020 zu $41 Milliarde. The Covid Effect As expected, the Covid-19 pandemic is identified as one of the

Bedrohungen der nigerianischen Zentralbank zwingen den parallelen Wechselkurs-Tracker zur Einstellung des Dienstes

Following threats from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), the management of Abokifx, a website that tracks the Nigerian currencys black market exchange rates, has announced the suspension of their daily updates. This suspension will remain in effect until Abokifx gets

Bitcoin.com verdoppelt das Modell ohne Verwahrung

Bitcoin.com, in line with its vision to supporteconomic freedom,’ is refocusing its efforts on non-custodial, oder ‘self hosted,’ crypto products, including exchange. Deshalb, the Bitcoin.com Wallet, which is fully non-custodial and provides users with direct access to public blockchains like

Russisches Gericht bestätigt Haftbefehle für 3 Finiko Gründer

Tatarstans highest court has rejected appeals against arrest warrants issued for three co-founders of the notorious Finiko crypto pyramid. The top representatives of the Ponzi scheme, accused of large-scale fraud in Russia, are still hiding abroad, media reports reveal. Three

Ex-Chef von Wex Crypto Exchange Berichten zufolge in Polen festgenommen, droht Auslieferung an Kasachstan

Dmitri Wassiljew, ehemaliger Geschäftsführer der russischen Kryptowährungsbörse Wex, wurde in Warschau festgenommen, berichtete die polnische Presse. Vasiliev wird in Kasachstan gesucht, wo ihm Betrug im Zusammenhang mit der inzwischen nicht mehr existierenden Handelsplattform vorgeworfen wird, Nachfolger des Berüchtigten…

Wir sind alle Satoshi: Statue des Bitcoin-Erfinders Satoshi Nakamoto in Ungarn enthüllt

A statue of Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, has been unveiled in Budapest, Hungary. “The statue is made of bronze, the face is made of a special bronze-aluminium composite, thus every visitor can see their own face when looking

Binance bereitet Änderungen vor, um mit Regulierungsbehörden weltweit zusammenzuarbeiten

Binance, the leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced it is preparing changes to be able to work with regulators more closely. Its CEO, Changpeng Zhao, stated the company is ready to apply the needed revisions to transform the exchange into a regulated

Salvadorianischer Rechnungshof zur Untersuchung der Bitcoin-Geldautomatenkäufe der Regierung, Chivo Kiosk Bau

According to reports stemming from the Salvadoran Court of Accounts, the regulatory body is planning to investigate the governments bitcoin automated teller machine (Geldautomat) purchases and Chivo kiosk construction. The investigation follows the recent protest in El Salvador against the adoption

61% der US-Erwachsenen lehnen Bitcoin als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel nicht ab, Umfrage zeigt

Following El Salvador making bitcoin legal tender, a survey was conducted to ascertain whether U.S. adults support or oppose a similar move in the U.S. Among 4,912 adults who participated, 61% did not oppose. Majority of Adults in US Do Not