Russische Regierung entwirft Roadmap zur Regulierung, Krypto nicht verbieten, Bericht enthüllt

A roadmap on cryptocurrencies has been prepared by a number of ministries, regulatory bodies, and law enforcement agencies, Russian media reported. Das Dokument, which aims to regulate Russias crypto market by the end of this year, comes amid disagreements between the

Blockchain-Firma Animoca Brands erhöht $358 Million zur Verbesserung von Web3 und Metaverse

Animoca Brands has announced the blockchain and cryptocurrency-focused firm has raised $358.8 million to bolster the non-fungible token (NFT) industry andbuild the open metaverse.The capital raise follows the firms previous $65 million and $138.88 million raises last year and

Visa: Jedes vierte befragte Unternehmen plant, dieses Jahr Kryptowährungszahlungen zu akzeptieren

Payments giant Visa has conducted a survey of small businesses and found that almost a quarter of those who responded plan to accept cryptocurrency payments this year. “I think more people are feeling more confident with crypto,” said a Visa executive….

100 NFT-Sammlungen übertreffen $20 Milliardenvolumen – Cryptopunks, Gelangweilte Affen erobern Top-Volumes

Nicht fungibles Token (NFT) assets were extremely popular this year and to date, dort’s been more than $20 billion in volume recorded in terms of NFT sales among 100 collections. While many single NFTs sold for millions of dollars a number of

US-Senator über Krypto: Wir brauchen echte Lösungen, damit das Finanzsystem für alle funktioniert, Nicht nur die Reichen

UNS. Senator Elizabeth Warren has argued that cryptocurrency is not a path to financial inclusion like crypto advocates claim. “Bitcoin ownership is even more concentrated within the top 1% than dollars,” she said, emphasizing the need forreal solutions to make

Krypto-Mixing-Tools und Cashfusion verdecken mehr als $8 Milliarden an Transaktionen

While blockchain monitoring has increased a great deal during the last few years, cryptocurrency mixers have seen significant use from those who dont want their financial transactions tracked. inzwischen, two mixing applications, and Cashfusion, have helped crypto owners make their

Jack Dorsey und Elon Musk äußern Bedenken über Web3, da die Skepsis gegenüber dem Eigentum wächst

Der ehemalige Twitter-CEO Jack Dorsey hat eine Debatte über Web3 entzündet, nachdem Tesla-CEO Elon Musk es kritisiert hatte. Dorsey warnte vor den Risiken der Zentralisierung, betont, dass web3 im Besitz von Risikokapitalgebern ist (VCs), sich unter der Prämisse der Dezentralisierung verstecken. “ich’m

Die Spieleentwickler GSC Game World und Ubisoft sehen sich mit Gegenreaktionen zur NFT-Integration konfrontiert

GSC Game World and Ubisoft, two game development companies, are dealing with backlash about the inclusion of NFT elements in some of their games. While GSC Game Worlddeveloper of the popular Stalker gaming franchisehas abandoned its plans