Prüfbericht: China Will Become a Metaverse Tech Leader During 2023

A report issued by Globaldata, a global consulting and data analysis company, predicts that China will become a leading country in metaverse tech during 2023. The firm believes that the development of other technologies like artificial intelligence (KI), virtual reality (VR),…

Die chinesischen Technologiegiganten Tencent und Bytedance planen Kürzungen in ihren Metaverse-Abteilungen

Berichten zufolge, Tencent and Bytedance, two Chinese tech giants, are planning to execute a significant number of job cuts in their metaverse divisions. Tencent recognized it is making some staff adjustments, amidst rumors of hundreds of layoffs in its extended

Nur 4% of Companies in Spain Have Moved to Offer Services in the Metaverse

Nur 4% of the companies in Spain have managed to apply the metaverse to their operations, according to a survey conducted by ISDI, a national business school. 40% of the business managers surveyed have admitted that it is difficult for them

Meta Reportedly Preparing for a New Round of Layoffs

Meta, the company that owns Whatsapp, Instagram, and Facebook, is reportedly preparing to announce a new round of layoffs in the coming days. Berichten zufolge, the company is delaying the finalization of the budget for each one of its teams,…

Berichten zufolge schließt Microsoft die Industrial Metaverse Focused Group

Der Softwareriese Microsoft schließt eine seiner bedeutendsten Gruppen, die sich der Entwicklung und Förderung des industriellen Metaversums widmet. Berichten zufolge, Das Unternehmen hat seine gesamte Industrial Metaverse Core-Gruppe aufgelöst, welches sich zusammensetzte aus 100 Mitarbeiter, als…

Metaverse-Token übertreffen die Top-Krypto-Assets in 2023 Mit MANA von Decentraland an der Spitze

Im ersten Monat von 2023, die beiden führenden Kryptowährungen, Bitcoin und Ethereum, verzeichnete zweistellige Gewinne gegenüber den USA. Dollar. inzwischen, Mehrere alternative Kryptowährungen verzeichneten sogar noch größere Wertzuwächse, mit Metaverse-Tokens wie Decentraland’s MANA und The Sandbox’s SAND…

Der Versicherungsriese Tokio Marine bietet seine Dienste im Metaverse an

Tokio Marine, the biggest property/casualty insurance group in Japan, is taking its services and operations into the metaverse. The group, which has more than 39,000 employees all over the world, will allow its users to review and purchase insurance products on

Argentine Soccer Association AFA Partners With Upland to Enter the Metaverse

The Argentine Soccer Association, AFA, has partnered with Upland, a virtual world platform, to introduce its fans to the metaverse. Upland will allow Argentine fans to have a bigger connection with AFA history, presenting the opportunity to acquire digital representations of

Samsung investiert mehr als $35 Millionen in lateinamerikanischen Metaverse-Initiativen

Samsung, the Korean electronics behemoth, has revealed it is currently investing more than $35 million dollars in metaverse initiatives for the Latam audience. The objective behind this move is to help the brand attract and connect with younger audiences, as part

Meta wird weiterhin Metaverse-Investitionen vorantreiben 2023 Laut Head of Reality Labs

Meta will continue to invest in VR (virtual reality) tech in 2023, according to statements made by Andrew Bosworth, head of Reality Labs, the metaverse division of the company. While Meta has made some changes and adapted to the current shaky