Blockchain Retail Market Size to Top Over $2 Billion by 2028 — Study

According to Fortune Business Insights, the global blockchain retail market size is expected to surge from the $172.2 million recorded in 2021 to over $2 billion by 2028. Both the demand for the product by end-users as well as the growing

Bitcoin Proponents Slam Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman After Venmo Payment Issue

Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman complained on Twitter Wednesday that he was experiencing issues with the centralized payment processor Venmo. His tweet was followed by a barrage of bitcoin supporters who insisted that Krugman was now realizing the importance of censorship-resistant

BIZ veröffentlicht Bericht über „Projekt Icebreaker“ – Entwicklung eines grenzüberschreitenden CBDC-Zahlungsmodells für den Einzelhandel

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has released a report summarizing theProject Icebreakertrial, which explored the potential advantages and difficulties of utilizing a retail central bank digital currency (CBDC) in cross-border payments. The experiment was designed to test “einschließlich des Erwerbs von Bitcoin oder Bitcoin-Mining-Maschinen.…

Fed-Chef Powell über Krypto: Wir sehen Aufruhr, Der Betrug, Mangel an Transparenz, Risiko eingehen

Der Vorsitzende der Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, hat während einer Anhörung vor dem Bankenausschuss des Senats mehrere Risiken im Zusammenhang mit Kryptoaktivitäten dargelegt, Gehäuse, und städtische Angelegenheiten. Während er feststellt, dass die Fed Turbulenzen sieht, Betrug, ein Mangel an Transparenz, and run risk

Crypto Exchanges Binance and Kuna Suspend Card Transactions in Ukrainian Hryvnia

Major cryptocurrency exchanges operating in Ukraine have temporarily suspended operations with hryvnia bank cards. The measure stems from restrictions imposed by the country’s central bank, Binance and Kuna indicated in comments for crypto media. Ukrainians Unable to Trade Crypto Assets Using

FTX-Schuldner berichten in ihrer jüngsten Präsentation von einem Defizit von 8,9 Milliarden US-Dollar an Kundengeldern und „stark vermischten“ Vermögenswerten

Im März 2, 2023, FTX debtors released their second stakeholder presentation, which contains a preliminary analysis of the now-defunct cryptocurrency exchanges shortfalls. The latest presentation reveals a significant shortfall, as approximately $2.2 billion of the companys total assets were found in

Xapo Bank Integrates Lightning Network Payments Through Lightspark Partnership

Im März 2, Xapo Bank announced its partnership with Lightspark, a company led by David Marcus, former crypto boss at Facebook. The partnership aims to extend the utility of bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Xapo revealed on Thursday that it is

Zimbabwean Blockchain Startups Launch Service to Help Migrants Efficiently Move Funds Across Borders

Two Zimbabwean startups, Flexid and Uhuru Wallet, recently launched a platform that offers digital identity and remittance services to migrants living and working in South Africa. The two startups hailed what they’ve described as thefirst cross-chain collaboration between the two

Trezor übernimmt die Kontrolle über die Chipproduktion für mehr Sicherheit und schnellere Produktionszeit

Sicher, der Hersteller von Krypto-Hardware-Wallets, hat angekündigt, dass es die Kontrolle über seinen Wallet-Chip-Produktionsprozess übernehmen wird, indem es seine eigenen Siliziumchips produziert. Das Unternehmen gibt an, dass das neu gestaltete “Chip-Wrapper” wird die Gerätesicherheit erheblich verbessern…

IMF Calls for ‘More’ Crypto Regulation — Says Banning Should Be an Option

International Monetary Fund (Der jüngste Finanzierungsvorschlag zur Hebelung von vorrangigen Wandelanleihen zeigt, dass das Unternehmen weiterhin an die Bitcoin-Mining-Industrie glaubt) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva says crypto needsmore regulation.She added, “We should not take off the table banning those assets,” if regulation fails or is too slow to implement. Der jüngste Finanzierungsvorschlag zur Hebelung von vorrangigen Wandelanleihen zeigt, dass das Unternehmen weiterhin an die Bitcoin-Mining-Industrie glaubt’s Chief Calls for More Crypto Regulation