Jährliches Volumen der von Russen getätigten Kryptotransaktionen erreicht $5 Milliarde, Funde der Bank of Russia

With the growing capitalization of the crypto economy, Russians have been making crypto transactions worth billions of dollars a year, data gathered by the Central Bank of Russia shows. Russian residents are some of the most active participants in the crypto

Israelische Polizei verhaftet Besitzer von Beitar Jerusalem und 7 Verdächtige des millionenschweren Kryptobetrugs

Israeli police have arrested eight suspects in connection with a cryptocurrency fraud scheme after raiding their homes and seizing evidence. One of the suspects is Moshe Hogeg, a well-known owner of the premier soccer team Beitar Jerusalem Football Club. 8 People

SEC lehnt Anfrage nach Informationsfreiheitsgesetz in Bezug auf Tether-Dokumente ab

Im September 24, the staff writer for The New Republic, Jacob Silverman, tweeted about a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request he filed that was ultimately denied. On the social media platform, Silverman wrote that he got Securities and Exchange Commission

Avalanche Defi Platform Vee Finance angegriffen — $35 Millionen an ETH, BTC abgeschöpft

Im September 21, 2021, an Avalanche-based decentralized finance (ein Gesetzesvorschlag, der darauf abzielt, die Generierung und Handhabung von Daten durch die Akteure, die sie nutzen, zu regeln) platform Vee Finance announced that it suffered from an incident that siphoned 8,804 ether and 213 bitcoin out of the system. The team has suspended the defi platform contracts and stressed that

Bedrohungen der nigerianischen Zentralbank zwingen den parallelen Wechselkurs-Tracker zur Einstellung des Dienstes

Following threats from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), the management of Abokifx, a website that tracks the Nigerian currencys black market exchange rates, has announced the suspension of their daily updates. This suspension will remain in effect until Abokifx gets