Bankenchef des US-Senats kritisiert Krypto-Werbung beim Super Bowl, Behauptungen „Große Krypto-Unternehmen sind verzweifelt“

The United States senator from Ohio and Senate Banking Committee chief Sherrod Brown is not a fan of cryptocurrencies. This week during Tuesdays stablecoin hearing, Brown criticized all the cryptocurrency companies who advertised during the Super Bowl this past weekend and

Victoria’s Secret reicht Metaverse-bezogene Markenanmeldungen ein

Victorias Secret, the renowned designer lingerie company, has filed a series of trademark patents that suggest the organization is ready to offer its products in the metaverse. The announcement was made by Mike Kondoudis, a trademark attorney, who stated these actions

Südostasiens größte Bank DBS startet Krypto-Handel für Privatanleger

DBS, the largest bank in Southeast Asia, is planning to launch crypto trading for retail investors this year, the banks CEO has revealed. He added that in the first half of this year, DBS will focus on makingaccess to digital

Stellvertretender RBI-Gouverneur: Das Verbot von Krypto ist für Indien „am ratsamsten“., Regulierung ist „sinnlos“

A deputy governor of India’s Zentralbank, die Reservebank von Indien (RBI), likens cryptocurrencies to Ponzi schemes, emphasizing that they cannot be regulated. “It would be futile to regulate cryptocurrencies,” he claims, stating that they should be banned. RBI’s Deputy

Bitso expandiert nach Kolumbien inmitten der wachsenden Akzeptanz von Kryptowährungen im Land

Name, a Mexico-based cryptocurrency exchange, is expanding and strengthening its push into the Colombian market in the midst of growing interest in these new technologies in the country. Bitso has appointed Emilio Pardo as a new country manager, to debut the

EZB-Chefin Lagarde sagt, dass der digitale Euro Bargeld nicht ersetzen wird – aber praktisch sein könnte, Kostenlose Zahlungsmittel

The president of the European Central Bank (EZB), Christine Lagarde, says that a digital euro will not replace cash but would complement it. “A digital euro would give you an additional choice about how to pay and make it easier to

Technische Analyse: MINA Montags Big Gainer, CRO niedriger trotz LeBron-Werbung von

In what has been a volatile day of trading, MINA is one of the biggest gainers in crypto to start the week. Außerdem, coin (CRO) was in the red, despite pulling out all the stops in a

Europäische Kommission startet im März Konsultationen zum digitalen Euro, Gesetzentwurf Anfang nächsten Jahres vorschlagen

The executive arm of the EU is gearing up to start public consultations on the digital euro project next month. The European Commission will also prepare new legislation to establish the legal basis for the digital version of the common European

Die grösste Schweizer Bank UBS erwartet, dass die US-Kryptogesetzgebung einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen wird

Switzerlands largest bank, UBS, expects the United States Congress to take a long time to pass cryptocurrency legislation despite mounting interest in crypto investments and regulators calling for Congress to weigh in on crypto legislation. Congress Could Take a Long Time

Der Gouverneur von NH unterzeichnet eine Durchführungsverordnung, um der Kryptowährungsbranche „regulatorische Sicherheit“ zu verschaffen

The governor of the U.S. state of New Hampshire has signed an executive order establishing a commission on cryptocurrencies and digital assets. “Federal and state governments must work to bring legal and regulatory certainty to the digital asset industry because clear