Bitcoins ændring af minedriftssværhedsgrad udskriver 2022's næststørste stigning - metrisk næsten alle tiders højde

På onsdag, Bitcoin’s minedrift sværhedsgrad sprang 9.26% højere, registrerer den næsthøjeste sværhedsgrad stigning i 2022. Den seneste stigning er Bitcoin’s tredje sværhedsgrad stigning siden august 4, 2022, og det’s nu 11.63% sværere at finde bitcoin block belønning. Bitcoin Difficulty Jumps

Bitcoin-mine-vanskeligheder rammer et helt liv efter en 5.56% Øge, Metriske nærmer sig 30 billioner

Bitcoin’s mining difficulty reached a lifetime high on April 27, i blokhøjde 733,824, after jumping 5.56% higher than two weeks ago. The difficulty jump further indicates that Bitcoins difficulty is also nearing 30 billioner, as the change on Wednesday shows

Bitcoin Hashrate stiger på trods af prisfald, Mystery Hashpower vender tilbage

Bitcoin’s hashrate has increased a great deal, even after the leading crypto assets price slipped below the $50K price zone. Eight days ago the network hashrate was coasting along at 168 eksahash i sekundet (EH/s), and this past week it increased