Op til 12 Millioner iranere ejer kryptovaluta, Handlende vælger lokale børser

Cryptocurrencies are a popular investment among Iranians and estimates suggest that the number of those who already own one coin or another may be as high as 12 million. The majority of Iranian traders prefer the services of local crypto exchanges,…

Australien har brug for regler for at lette kryptoforretning, Senatets udvalgsrapporter

Et senatudvalg i Australien har fremsat en række forslag for at løse manglen på ordentlige regler for kryptokurrencyområdet. The lawmakers believe the country needs new rules for its fintech and digital asset industries to be able to

Moskva planlægger ikke at forbyde russere at købe krypto i udlandet

Rusland vil ikke følge Kina’s kursus og planlægger ikke at forbyde sine borgere at købe kryptokurrency på udenlandske børser, har en højtstående embedsmand oplyst. Russians will not be able to pay with digital coins in their own

Den store tyrkiske kryptobørs Coinzo lukker ned

Coinzo, one of Turkeys largest cryptocurrency exchanges, is terminating its digital asset trading services. The platform said its website will remain online in the next six months to allow users to withdraw their holdings in cryptocurrency and Turkish fiat money. En anden…

'Offentlig' tilføjer handel med kryptovaluta med henvisning til millioner af investorer, der ser Crypto som 'overbevisende aktivklasse'

Investeringsplatform Offentlig, med over 1 millioner brugere, udruller handel med kryptovaluta. “Crypto tager fart som en overbevisende aktivklasse for millioner af investorer,” sagde virksomheden. Offentlig lancerer Cryptocurrency Trading Investeringsplatform Public beskriver sig selv som “the investing

Bank of Russia vil 'sænke' betalinger til kryptobørser, Bekæmp russernes impulsive investeringer

Central Bank of Russia is now working with commercial banks in order to delay payments made to digital asset exchanges. The move aims to limitemotionalcryptocurrency purchases made byunqualifiedRussian investors, a CBR official revealed. The move is likely

Paypal fuldfører udrulning af kryptotilbud i Storbritannien: Første internationale udvidelse uden for USA

Paypal has completed the first international expansion of its cryptocurrency offering outside of the U.S. Paypal Crypto is now available to customers in the U.K. allowing them to buy, holde, and sell four kinds of cryptocurrencies. Paypal Crypto Now Available to

Binance forbereder ændringer til at arbejde med regulatorer over hele verden

Binance, the leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced it is preparing changes to be able to work with regulators more closely. Its CEO, Changpeng Zhao, stated the company is ready to apply the needed revisions to transform the exchange into a regulated

FSC regulatorisk eftersyn forventes at lukke ned 40 Kryptoudveksling i Sydkorea

A new regulatory overhaul could put 40 ud af 60 exchanges out of business in South Korea after the firms are expected to fail to meet the conditions that are being proposed by the Financial Services Commission (FSC). This action might