Coinbase køber Fairx Exchange for at gøre derivatmarkedet tilgængeligt for millioner af detailkunder

Nasdaq-noterede kryptovalutabørs Coinbase har erhvervet en reguleret derivathandelsplatform. Coinbase planlægger at gøre derivatmarkedet mere tilgængeligt for millioner af sine detailkunder. Coinbase Plans to Offer Crypto Derivatives to All US Customers Nasdaq-listed crypto exchange operator Coinbase

JPMorgan aktieforudsigelser på kryptomarkeder, Ethereums opgraderinger, Kategori, NFT'er

Global investment bank JPMorgan has published a report on the future outlook of crypto markets, including Ethereums upgrades, decentral finansiering (defi), and non-fungible tokens (NFT'er). The bank seesthe cryptocurrency markets as increasingly relevant to financial services,” its analyst described. Blockchain-baseret socialt netværk Viblos lancerer betaversion i marts…

Bitcoin Treasuries Liste krav 59 Virksomheder og en håndfuld lande holder 1.49 Millioner BTC

304 dage eller for omkring ni måneder siden, 42 virksomheder havde bitcoin på deres balance med en samlet sum på 1,350,073 bitcoin i marts 1, 2021. I dag, målinger indikerer, at der er 59 virksomheder, nogle få lande, og børshandlede fonde (ETF'er) med…

Storbritannien forbyder kryptoannoncer fra Papa John's Pizza, Møntbase, Etoro, Månen, Kategori

The U.K. advertising watchdog has banned several cryptocurrency ads, including those by Papa Johns Pizza, Møntbase, Kategori, Etoro, and Luno. The authority says the ads aremisleading” og “irresponsibly taking advantage of consumersinexperience.” 7 Crypto Ads Banned by UK Authority

Paradigme lanceres $2.5 Milliard venturefond til at investere i næste generation af kryptovirksomheder og protokoller

Investment firm Paradigm has launched a $2.5 billion venture fund to invest in the next generation of crypto companies and protocols. The firm believes that thenew fund and its size are reflective of crypto being the most exciting frontier in

Coinbase for at forbedre kundesupport i USA og Indien ved at erhverve AI Platform Agara

Coinbase is acquiring an AI-powered support platform Agara in an effort to deliverworld-class support for customers.The exchange explained thatThrough this acquisition, vi’ll be able to provide our customers with new personalized, intelligent, and real-time support options.The acquisition

Coinbase udgiver forslag til pushing af kryptoregulering 4 Kerneanbefalinger

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase har offentliggjort sit forslag til kryptoregulering efter “mere end 75 møder med interessenter i regeringen, industri, og den akademiske verden,” CEO Brian Armstrong afslørede. I sit forslag til politik for digitale aktiver, anbefaler virksomheden “four core pillars to inform future

Den amerikanske senator Warren presser SEC for at rette op på udfald af kryptobørs, Høje transaktionsgebyrer, Finansiel inklusion

At the U.S. Senate Banking Committee hearing Tuesday, Senator Elizabeth Warren called on the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK), Gary Gensler, to increase oversight of cryptocurrency. She brought up several problems she associates with cryptocurrency that could hurt