Paradigme lanceres $2.5 Milliard venturefond til at investere i næste generation af kryptovirksomheder og protokoller

Investment firm Paradigm has launched a $2.5 billion venture fund to invest in the next generation of crypto companies and protocols. The firm believes that thenew fund and its size are reflective of crypto being the most exciting frontier in

Marathon planlægger at rejse $500 Millioner fra konvertible seniorsedler til køb af bitcoin og minedrift

På mandag, the enterprise bitcoin mining operation Marathon Digital Holdings announced the firm will raise $500 million from convertible senior notes in order to accrue morebitcoin or bitcoin mining machines.Publicly-Listed Mining Operation to Raise $500M From Debt Markets to

Andragende om at notere Shiba Inu på Robinhood får 400.000 underskrifter, efterhånden som SHIB-prisen stiger

Shiba inu-tilhængere anmoder på om, at handelsplatformen Robinhood skal liste shiba inu-tokenet til handel. Robinhood lister i øjeblikket den meme kryptovaluta dogecoin, som udgjorde 62% af virksomheden’s kryptohandelsvolumen i 2. kvartal. Petition to

Coinbase udgiver forslag til pushing af kryptoregulering 4 Kerneanbefalinger

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase har offentliggjort sit forslag til kryptoregulering efter “mere end 75 møder med interessenter i regeringen, industri, og den akademiske verden,” CEO Brian Armstrong afslørede. I sit forslag til politik for digitale aktiver, anbefaler virksomheden “four core pillars to inform future

Bitfarms starter opførelsen af ​​Mega Bitcoin Mining Farm i Argentina

Bitfarme, et bitcoin-mineselskab, annoncerede i sidste uge, at byggeriet er i gang til en mega bitcoin-minefarm i Argentina. Anlægget, som er designet til at rumme 55,000 minearbejdere, vil være færdig til næste år. This is yet another signal that

'Big Short'-investor Michael Burry kritiserer Shiba Inu Crypto efter SHIB svæver 230% - Siger, at det er 'meningsløst'

Hedgefondsforvalter Michael Burry, berømt for at forudsige 2008 finansielle krise, thinks the dogecoin rival shiba inu token (SHIB) er “pointless,” criticizing its supply. The cryptocurrency skyrocketed 230% over the past week. Michael Burry Shares His View on Shiba Inu

SEC forsinkelser 4 Bitcoin ETF-deadlines - Regulator 'finder det passende at udpege en længere periode'

På fredag, USA. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) has delayed four bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETF) deadlines for another 45 dage. The regulator notes that the entity needs more time to decide on the ETF applications. Global X, Kryptoin, Valkyrie, Visdomstræ…

SEC-formand Gary Gensler siger, at Crypto 'ikke vil ende godt', hvis det forbliver uden for reglerne

Formanden for U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK), Gary Gensler, says that cryptocurrencyis not going to end well if it stays outside the regulatory space.The SEC has been criticized for taking an enforcement-centric approach to regulating the

Ripple CEO siger, at SEC ikke giver nogen klar ramme for krypto, Diskuterer XRP-retssag

As the lawsuit with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) continues, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse insists that the Commission has provided no clarity in crypto regulation. He said the SEC is using its meetings with crypto companies as lead generation