Crypto Exchange Binance slutter sig til Expert Center hos Russian Banks Association

Digital aktivudveksling Binance er blevet det første kryptofirma til at støtte sammenslutningen af ​​banker i Rusland i bestræbelser på at regulere landet’s voksende marked for kryptovaluta. The coin trading platform will also work with authorities in Moscow as they

Elektricitetsforbruget stiger i Irkutsk, efterhånden som flere russere begynder at udvinde kryptovaluta

Electricity suppliers in the Russian region of Irkutsk have registered a surge in power consumption in residential areas which they are blaming on cryptocurrency mining. Planes with mining equipment from restricted China continue to land in the region, and cases of

Bitcoin Mining Report Viser Networks emissionskonto for 0.08% af verdens CO2

During the last year, Bitcoin — the cryptocurrency network that leverages proof-of-work (PoW) to process transactions and secure the protocolhas received a lot of criticism about its environmental impact. Denne uge, the cryptocurrency firm Coinshares published a report that

Oman inviterer bud fra virksomheder, der er interesserede i at skabe regulatoriske rammer for virtuelle aktiver

Authorities in the Middle Eastern state of Oman have asked specialized companies, interested in helping the country set up a regulatory framework for virtual assets, to submit their proposals. Interested companies need to submit their proposals no later than March 23,

Rio De Janeiro til at investere 1% af dets statskasse i kryptovaluta

Rio de Janeiro, one of the largest cities in Brazil, will invest part of its Treasury in cryptocurrencies. The announcement was made by the mayor of Rio, Eduardo Paes, during Rio Innovation Week. The plan is to turn the city into

Visum: En ud af fire undersøgte virksomheder planlægger at acceptere kryptovalutabetalinger i år

Payments giant Visa has conducted a survey of small businesses and found that almost a quarter of those who responded plan to accept cryptocurrency payments this year. “I think more people are feeling more confident with crypto,” said a Visa executive….

Rapport: Ronin sidekæde behandlet 560% Flere samlede transaktioner end Ethereum sidste november

Det blockchain-drevne spil Axie Infinity har været en meget populær applikation i det sidste 12 måneder, som spillet’s NFT'er har overgået alle NFT-kollektioner i dag med hensyn til alle tiders salg. Mens Axie Infinity har set $3.85 milliard i alle tiders salg,…

Amerikansk senator om krypto: Vi har brug for rigtige løsninger for at få det finansielle system til at fungere for alle, Ikke kun de velhavende

OS. Senator Elizabeth Warren has argued that cryptocurrency is not a path to financial inclusion like crypto advocates claim. “Bitcoin ownership is even more concentrated within the top 1% than dollars,” hun sagde, emphasizing the need forreal solutions to make

S&P Global Ratings-undersøgelse forudsiger, at krypto og decentraliseret finans vil fortsætte med at vokse ind 2022.

S&P Global, an intelligence and data company, suggests that crypto and decentralized finance trends will continue to gather steam in 2022. In its latest report, the company examines the current state of the market and notes that, while there are still

Ascendex hacket — Exchange taber $77 Millioner i ERC20, BSC, Polygon-tokens

Ascendex, a cryptocurrency exchange, suffered a security breach that allowed hackers to take control of some of the wallets of the exchange. The attack focused on hot wallets, where funds are kept as a buffer to tend to customers’ hævninger. Det…