Minerapport viser, at Bitcoins elforbrug er faldet med 25% i Q1 2022

I slutningen af ​​maj sidste år, Tesla’s Elon Musk overbeviste bitcoin-industriens ledere om at danne et Bitcoin-mineråd (BMC) og midt i juli, BMC lancerede sine offentlige tjenester og hjemmeside. Den april 25, 2022, organisationen udgav en rapport…

Dogedag før og nu: Lackluster Buzz som Dogecoins pris er 65% Lavere end sidste år

Mens april 20 eller 420 er synonymt med cannabiskultur, dagen overvejes også “Dogedagen,” af et stort antal dogecoin-tilhængere. Dagen før på Twitter, Dogenetværket’s medstifter Billy Markus spurgte, hvad folk skulle forvente af…

Jack Dorsey hævder, hvis 'Du bygger på Ethereum, du har mindst ét, hvis ikke mange, Single Points of Failure'

The internet entrepreneur and former CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, claims if developers are building on Ethereum they haveat least one, if not many, single points of failure.The statement was in response to Vitalik Buterins commentary concerning Elon Musk

Goldman Sachs' Blankfein spørger, hvorfor krypto ikke har et øjeblik på trods af stigende amerikanske dollar, Frys ordrer

A Goldman Sachs senior chairman has asked why crypto is not having a moment despitethe inflating U.S. dollar” and governments demonstrating that they can and will freeze accounts under certain circumstances. “Not seeing it in the price, so far,” he

Phillips-auktion med Basquiat-maleri til en værdi af $70 millioner for at acceptere Bitcoin, Ethereum-betalinger

i maj 18, the auction house Phillips will be hosting an evening sale featuring the work of the American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. PhillipsEvening Sale of 20th Century & Contemporary Art will auction Basquiat’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta “Untitled, 1982” piece worth an estimated $70

Coinbase's handelsvolumen voksede 8.5 Gange ind 2021 — med 89 Million verificerede brugere

The Nasdaq-listed cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase says the number of monthly transacting users on its platform rose to 11.4 million at the end of 2021, which was more than four times the previous year. Ud over, Møntbase’s trading volume grew more than

Indien afslører retningslinjer for krypto-annoncering

The Advertising Standards Council of India has released guidelines for the advertising and promotion of crypto assets and related services. “We had several rounds of discussion with the government, finance sector regulators, and industry stakeholders before framing these guidelines.” Indien’s Crypto

Præsident for Central Bank of Peru kritiserer Crypto, Med henvisning til mangel på indre værdi og klimaændringer

Julio Velarde, the president of the Central Bank of Peru, attacked the value of cryptocurrencies and referred to negative effects they are said to have on the environment. In a recent interview with local media, Velarde said the Bank did not

Rapport: Blockchain og Crypto VC-investeringer voksede næsten ti gange i løbet af 2021 i Funky

En ny rapport udgivet af LAVCA, foreningen for private kapitalinvesteringer i Latinamerika, har konstateret, at venturekapitalen (VC) investeringerne i regionen er vokset enormt i forhold til året før’s numre. Generelt, the region registered investments

Coinbase gør det muligt for modtagere af overførsler i Mexico at udbetale i lokal valuta

Møntbase, a leading U.S.-based exchange, has announced it will now allow remittance receivers in Mexico to cash out the funds received through its service in local currency. This marks the first foray of the company into the Mexican remittance business, allowing