Russiske bankfolk foreslår at kriminalisere kryptoopbevaring i ikke-depotpunge

Opbevaring af kryptovalutaer i ikke-depotpunge kan være kriminaliseret i Rusland, hvis myndighederne accepterer et forslag fra brancheorganisationen, der repræsenterer russiske banker. Mens finansielle tilsynsmyndigheder mener, at ideen fortjener opmærksomhed, lovgivere og eksperter tvivler på det’s possible to implement such a measure….

Binance suspenderer transaktioner med russiske Mastercard- og Visa-kort

Crypto exchange Binance has blocked transactions with Mastercard and Visa cards issued in the Russian Federation. The trading platform announced the move after the American payment giants decided to halt operations in Russia over its military invasion of Ukraine. Russians Unable

Goldman Sachs' Blankfein spørger, hvorfor krypto ikke har et øjeblik på trods af stigende amerikanske dollar, Frys ordrer

A Goldman Sachs senior chairman has asked why crypto is not having a moment despitethe inflating U.S. dollar” and governments demonstrating that they can and will freeze accounts under certain circumstances. “Not seeing it in the price, so far,” he

Japan ser ud til at stoppe sanktionerede russiske enheder fra at overføre kryptoaktiver

As financial authorities around the world continue to target sanctioned Russian entities, regulators in Japan along with the countrys crypto association are attempting to find and close gaps that may be used to circumvent sanctions. The two bodies, imidlertid, have said

Coinbase CEO siger, at almindelige russere bruger krypto som en livline, når rublen kollapser

The CEO of the Nasdaq-listed crypto exchange Coinbase says ordinary Russians are using cryptocurrency as a lifeline now that their own currency, rublen, has collapsed. The executive also does not see a high risk of Russian oligarchs using crypto to

Milliardær Bill Miller deler nuværende Crypto Outlook: 'Det er meget bullish for Bitcoin'

Veteran investor and fund manager Bill Miller explains why he thinks that it is currentlyvery bullish for bitcoin.Miller noted that Russia has almost 50% of its reserves in currencies that are controlled by people who want to do them