Tidligere Nintendo-præsident Statsspilselskaber marcherer til Metaverse

Former Nintendo of America President, Reggie Fils-Aimé, believes that the gaming industry is steadily going to integrate metaverse elements into its games. Fils-Aimé thinks that established gaming companies, like Nintendo, are better suited to be leading the race for the metaverse

Dvision Network annoncerer Binance Custody som sin depotholder med DVI-token understøttet

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. I endnu en banebrydende præstation, den blockchain-baserede metaverse-platform Dvision Network har netop annonceret sin officielle onboarding på Binance Custody. Som sådan, Binance’s depotafdeling vil støtte ind- og udbetalinger af Dvision’s native token, DVI, på sin platform. Det…

Topvideospilkunstnere vedtager NFT'er for at hjælpe Ukraine, Samling til udgivelse på officielt MetaHistory Museum

Since the outbroke of the Russian-Ukrainian war, many celebrities, social activities, and visual artists joined the league of supporting Ukraine by cryptocurrency and NFT artworks. And the trend just doesnt stop. Nu, a group of top-notch artists bring the support and

StreamCoin annoncerer 200M STRM Corporate ICO Investment af TNC IT Group

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. StreamCoin revealed that it has secured a corporate ICO investment from blockchain consulting firm TNC IT Group. Fonden vil søge indledende investeringer i virksomheder og protokoller i tidlige stadier, der starter ved 500.000 USD og op til, TNC IT Group has purchased over 200 million STRM during the recently-concluded STRM public sale. The announcement came after StreamCoin revealed

Dubai Virtual Assets Regulator etablerer hovedkvarter i Metaverset

The Dubai virtual assets regulator, the Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA), has established its metaverse headquarters in The Sandbox virtual world. By establishing a presence in the metaverse, the regulator said it hopes to make itself accessible to all stakeholders. World’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta…

Fidelity Investments lancerer Crypto, Metaverse ETF'er - siger 'Vi fortsætter med at se efterspørgsel'

Fidelity-investeringer, one of the largest financial services firms with more than $11 trillion under administration, is launching exchange-traded funds (ETF'er) focusing on the crypto ecosystem and the metaverse. “We continue to see demand, particularly from young investors, for access to

Ertha Metaverse sælger Rom NFT for rekord 120k

Ertha Metaverse ser ustoppelig ud på sin vej til at blive branchen’s øverste metavers. Projektet er allerede anerkendt som at have et af de mest søgte tokens i GameFi og i skrivende stund, holds a fully diluted market cap in

OVERLEVE: Kun én vil vare i metaverset

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. SURVIVE kommer til at revolutionere Metaverset. Det’er en hybrid mellem live-action og open-world-spil. Tænk på GTA 5, med et 3D Metaverse, hvor du kan spille gratis og tjene penge. SURVIVE er støttet af NFT Global, og Messari…

KPMG i Canada foretager første direkte kryptoinvestering — tilføjer Bitcoin, Ether til Corporate Treasury

KPMG in Canada has added bitcoin and ether to its corporate treasury in what the company called afirst-of-its-kind investment.KPMG said: “This investment reflects our belief that institutional adoption of crypto assets and blockchain technology will continue to grow and