Binance-begrænsninger for kryptoudveksling 281 Nigerianske konti - Nogle anmodet af international retshåndhævelse

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has restricted 281 Nigerian user accounts. Citing user security and fraud prevention, CEO Changpeng Zhao explained thatapproximately 38% of these cases [are] restricted at the request of international law enforcement.” 281 Nigerian Accounts Restricted by Binance, CEO

100 Virksomheder undlader at opnå krypto-licenser i Singapore på grund af hård regulering

Mere end 100 companies that applied for a license to offer crypto services in Singapore have either been turned down or withdrawn their applications. “Cryptocurrencies could be abused for money laundering, terrorism financing, or proliferation financing due to the speed and

Ethereum kan detronisere Bitcoin som bedste kryptobutik af værdi, Studie argumenterer

A recent paper authored by members of several universities, including Sydney and Macquarie, argues that recent changes in Ethereum monetary policy are making it a better store of value than bitcoin. The deflationary effect that the EIP-1559 proposal has caused in

NFL Football Star Odell Beckham Jr Giver Away $1 Millioner i Bitcoin og vil tage sin nye løn i BTC

OS. football Star Odell Beckham Jr. is taking his new salary in bitcoin and is giving away $1 million in the cryptocurrency in partnership with Squares Cash App. “To all my fans out there … jeg’m giving back a total of

Gemini rejser $400 Millioner i vækstaktiefinansieringsrunde; Metaverse Clash Indkommende

tvilling, the regulated cryptocurrency exchange founded by the Winklevoss Twins, har rejst $400 million in its most recent growth equity funding round. This financial round gave it a valuation of $7.1 milliard, being one of the most valuable exchanges in the

Onecoin-ofre anmoder Bulgarien om beslaglæggelse af aktiver og erstatning

A lawyer representing investors defrauded by the notorious crypto scam Onecoin has urged authorities in Bulgaria to act on the case, claiming that theworlds largest pyramid schemeis still operating from the country. In a petition with the Bulgarian Constitutional

Mastercard lancerer krypto-linkede betalingskort til Asien-Stillehavsområdet

Payments giant Mastercard is launching crypto-linked payment cards for the Asia-Pacific region in partnership with three crypto service providers. “For the first time, consumers and businesses in the Asia Pacific region will be able to apply for crypto-linked Mastercard credit, debit,…

International Operation Dark Huntor Seizes $31.6 Millioner i kontanter og kryptovalutaer, 150 Arresteret

Operation Dark Huntor, a coordinated international effort on three continents to disrupt opioid trafficking on the darknet, has led to the arrests of 150 people. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the operation has also resulted in the seizure

Australien har brug for regler for at lette kryptoforretning, Senatets udvalgsrapporter

Et senatudvalg i Australien har fremsat en række forslag for at løse manglen på ordentlige regler for kryptokurrencyområdet. The lawmakers believe the country needs new rules for its fintech and digital asset industries to be able to

Bitcoin skyder i vejret over $57K, Genvinder markedsværdien af ​​billioner dollars, Tocifrede ugentlige gevinster

The price of bitcoin continues to climb higher as the crypto asset has captured over 19% in gains during the last seven days. Bitcoin tapped a daily high on Monday reaching $57,678 pr. enhed, hoppe 4.4% i den sidste 24 timer….