Mexicos tredje rigeste milliardær siger Køb Bitcoin, Glem alt om at sælge, Du vil takke mig senere

The third-richest billionaire in Mexico, Ricardo Salinas Pliego, advises to buy bitcoin, keep buying while the price is still low, and hold the crypto without thinking of selling. “Trust me, youre going to thank me later,” he affirmed. Billionaire Ricardo Salinas

Coinbase gør det muligt for modtagere af overførsler i Mexico at udbetale i lokal valuta

Møntbase, a leading U.S.-based exchange, has announced it will now allow remittance receivers in Mexico to cash out the funds received through its service in local currency. This marks the first foray of the company into the Mexican remittance business, allowing

Coinbase og 17 Andre kryptofirmaer lancerer 'Travel Rule Universal Solution Technology'

På onsdag, det børsnoterede cryptocurrency-firma Coinbase annoncerede lanceringen af ​​en samarbejdsindsats kaldet TRUST, som står for “Travel Rule Universal Solution Technology.” Planen beskrives som en “branchedrevet løsning” developed to comply with the Financial Action Task Force

Bank of Russia rapporterer første vellykkede digitale rubeloverførsler mellem brugere

Testing of the digital ruble has started in Russia with the countrys central bank announcing the first complete transactions between individual wallets. The monetary authority, a staunch opponent of cryptocurrencies, says its digital currency will create new opportunities for citizens, virksomheder,…

Bankchef i det amerikanske senat kritiserer Super Bowl Crypto-annoncer, Påstår "store kryptovirksomheder er desperate"

The United States senator from Ohio and Senate Banking Committee chief Sherrod Brown is not a fan of cryptocurrencies. This week during Tuesdays stablecoin hearing, Brown criticized all the cryptocurrency companies who advertised during the Super Bowl this past weekend and

Bitso udvider til Colombia midt i voksende kryptovalutaadoption i landet

Navn, en Mexico-baseret cryptocurrency-børs, udvider og styrker sit fremstød på det colombianske marked midt i den voksende interesse for disse nye teknologier i landet. Emilio Pardo er udnævnt som ny landechef, to debut the

ECB-chef Lagarde siger, at digital euro ikke vil erstatte kontanter - men kan være praktisk, Gratis betalingsmidler

Præsidenten for Den Europæiske Centralbank (World Cup, Christine Lagarde, says that a digital euro will not replace cash but would complement it. “A digital euro would give you an additional choice about how to pay and make it easier to

FTC advarer om romantik-svindel, der lokker folk til falske kryptovalutainvesteringer

USA. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has warned about romance scams using cryptocurrency. Scammers use romance as a hook to lure people into bogus investments, especially crypto, the federal agency explained. “2021 numbers are nearly five times those reported in 2020,

Kenyanske centralbankdokument diskuterer fordele og risici fra CBDC - offentligt bedt om at kommentere

Kenyas central bank has acknowledged in a recently released document that a central bank digital currency could potentially benefit the countrys financial system. Banken, imidlertid, warned that rolling out a CBDC could also pose risks to the same. CBDC’s Impact

OVERLEVE: Kun én vil vare i metaverset

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. SURVIVE kommer til at revolutionere Metaverset. Det’er en hybrid mellem live-action og open-world-spil. Tænk på GTA 5, med et 3D Metaverse, hvor du kan spille gratis og tjene penge. SURVIVE er støttet af NFT Global, og Messari…