Milliardæren Tim Draper opfordrer Sri Lanka til at adoptere Bitcoin - Centralbanken siger 'Vi ønsker ikke at gøre krisen værre'

Billionaire investor and venture capitalist Tim Draper has reportedly attempted to convince the Sri Lankan government to adopt bitcoin. Imidlertid, the governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka rejected his recommendation, at understrege: “Adoption of 100% bitcoin wont be a Sri

Davos 2023: CBDC'er er fremtiden for centralbankpenge, men de er stadig ikke klar

A World Economic Forum (WEF) panel comprised of central bankers and global tech providers has profiled central bank digital currencies (CBDC'er) as the future of central bank money, presenting them as one of the solutions for limitations in the payments sector

Den Europæiske Union sætter en grænse på 10.000 euro for kontantbetalinger; Transaktioner over €1.000 i Crypto vil blive undersøgt

The states of the European Union have convened to establish a new limit on cash purchases and to strengthen the controls on cryptocurrency transactions. Den nov. 6 the bloc agreed to put a limit of €10,000 ($10,557) on cash payments and

RBI påbegynder den første detail-digitale rupee-pilot i 13 indiske byer med 8 Banker

India’s central bank, Indiens Reserve Bank (RBI), is launching its first retail digital rupee pilot on Dec. 1 with the participation of eight banks. The pilot will start in four cities and then expand to cover nine more cities

pax․verden: Et symbol skal være et økonomisk grundlag, ikke en samlergimmick, for at metaverset kan trives

Denne uge, launched $PAXW, its proprietary utility token for the metaverse. The process of designing and launching $PAXW has provided a clear understanding of the token’s inherent purposes, enormous potential, and possible dangers. Let’s begin at the top: A utility

Nokia mener, at Metaverse vil erstatte smartphones i fremtiden

Nokia, one of the first companies to manufacture a consumer-grade mobile phone system, now believes the metaverse will cause phones to become deprecated. These metaverse experiences will be powered by the use of virtual reality (VR) headsets and augmented reality glasses,…

Michael Saylor udgiver et åbent brev, hvor han diskuterer 'den store mængde misinformation' knyttet til Bitcoin

The Microstrategy executive Michael Saylor is a big believer in Bitcoin as his company has purchased close to 130,000 bitcoin during the last few years. Six days ago, USA. Office of Science and Technology Policy published a report that claims

Sverige har brug for strøm til mere nyttige ting end Bitcoin-minedrift, siger energiminister

Concerned about projected increase in electricity demand, the government in Sweden may turn its back on crypto mining, the countrys energy minister has indicated. Swedish bitcoin minting industry, a leader in Europe, is likely to soon lose the preferential treatment it

HUMAN Protocol Foundation annoncerer HMT nu opført på Probit

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. HUMAN Protocol Foundation er glade for at kunne meddele, at HMT nu er noteret på Probit. Probit slutter sig til andre børser, Bitfinex, FTX og i at tilbyde vores samfund muligheden for at købe, pressemeddelelse, og handle HMT. About HMT HMT is