Bank of Russia vil pilotere digitale rubelafregninger 2023

Rusland’s monetary authority intends to conduct the first settlements with the digital ruble next year, its governor announced this week. Speaking to Russian lawmakers, the official highlighted the important role the new currency is going to play for Russia under sanctions….

Digital rubel 'meget tiltrængt,Det siger Ruslands centralbank, Vil ikke forsinke testning

Ruslands centralbank har understreget vigtigheden af ​​at komme videre med sit digitale rubelprojekt. Ifølge en udtalelse fra en toprepræsentant, the monetary authority has no intention to delay the trials despite not all invited banks being

Bank of Russia rapporterer første vellykkede digitale rubeloverførsler mellem brugere

Testing of the digital ruble has started in Russia with the countrys central bank announcing the first complete transactions between individual wallets. The monetary authority, a staunch opponent of cryptocurrencies, says its digital currency will create new opportunities for citizens, virksomheder,…

Iran skal pilotere 'national kryptovaluta,' Overvejer Blockchain Tech for aktiemarkedet

Irans centralbank planlægger snart at lancere pilotfasen af ​​sit digitale valutaprojekt, en embedsmand afsløret. The Islamic Republic hopes to a join a growing club of nations that want to take advantage of having a sovereign

Kinas Digital Yuan Wallet-app nu i iOS og Android App Stores

Kina’s centralbank har frigivet sin digitale pengepung-app forud for vinter-OL. Pung-appen til den digitale yuan, også kendt som e-CNY, kan nu downloades fra iOS- og Android-appbutikkerne i landet. Digital…

Frankrigs centralbanker, Schweiz og BIS fuldfører grænseoverskridende CBDC-forsøg

Bank of France, den schweiziske nationalbank (SNB), og Bank for International Settlements har med succes testet anvendelsen af ​​engros centralbanks digital valuta ved grænseoverskridende betalinger. The project used distributed ledger technology and was realized with help from private

Bank of Russia afviser levering af krypto-relaterede finansielle tjenester

Rusland’s central bank has voiced opposition to the provision of financial services related to cryptocurrencies. The monetary authority believes such offerings would go against the interests of Russian investors as they are highly risky. Central Bank of Russia Unwilling to Allow