Mozilla genindsætter kryptodonationer - Organisationen vil ikke acceptere proof-of-work kryptovalutaer

I den første uge af januar, softwarefællesskabet Mozilla afslørede, at det satte cryptocurrency-donationer på pause efter at have citeret miljøhensyn. 14 uger senere, Mozilla besluttede i sidste uge, at de vil acceptere kryptodonationer igen, but only from digital assets that leverage a

EU udpeger ESMA som kryptoregulator for regionen i seneste MiCA-udkast

The Parliament of the EU has designated ESMA, den europæiske værdipapir- og markedstilsynsmyndighed, the top cryptocurrency regulator of the region in the latest draft of MiCA, the Markets in Crypto Assets regulation. The European organization would have the task of

Et dybtgående kig på Satoshi Island - Et krypto-centreret boligsamfund i Vanuatu, hvor jordtitler er NFT'er

Ifølge rapporter, der’s a 32 million square-foot island located in Vanuatu thats in the midst of being constructed into a crypto-centric residential community by the islands owners: Satoshi Island Holdings Limited. Indtil nu, mere end 50,000 individuals have applied to

Den canadiske musiker Grimes afslører 'Intergalactic Children's Metaverse Book' på Avalanche Summit

På torsdag, holdet bag udlånsprotokollen Anchor meddelte, at et forslag er vedtaget, og det decentraliserede pengemarked vil “implementere en mere bæredygtig semi-dynamisk indtjeningsrate.” Efter annonceringen, værdien af ​​protokollen’s native token ANC skred nogenlunde…

MiCA-ændringer foreslået i sidste øjeblik genopliver truslen om EU-forbud mod Bitcoin, Rapport afslører

Changes to the EUs MiCA proposal to regulate crypto markets, suggested shortly before a vote on the package, indicate a bitcoin ban is still a possibility. Despite recently removing wording that would have prohibited coins with energy-intensive mining, some members of

Samsung afslører Virtual Store 837X i Decentraland Metaverse med NFT-emblemer og teater

After the electronics giant Samsung disclosed the firms upcoming 2022 smart televisions would boast non-fungible token (NFT) support, the company has revealed it has opened a virtual store inside the Decentraland metaverse. Modeled from the physical store Samsung 837, Samsung’s metaverse

Dubai for at skabe kryptozone, Binance slutter sig til indsatsen

The Dubai World Trade Centre will become a comprehensive ecosystem for cryptocurrencies and providers of related services. The move is part of efforts to support new industries and the emirate intends to source help from crypto companies like Binance. Dubai World

Bitcoin Mining Company Cleanspark til at kickstarte 20 MW Immersion Cooling Initiative

Cleanspark, a sustainability-focused bitcoin mining company, has announced it will kick-start a 20 MW initiative in its Norcross bitcoin mining facility where miners will be cooled via immersion. The company will host more than 5,900 miners in this facility, which will

Marathon udvider aftalen om udrulning af minearbejdere med Compute North, Sigter mod at forsyne 100.000+ minearbejdere med vedvarende energi

Marathon Digital Holdings, a Nasdaq-listed bitcoin mining-based company, has announced a new deal with Compute North, a data center service provider, to host more than 100,000 mining machines in its data centers. The deal is an expansion of an earlier deal

Bitcoin Mining Operation Genesis Digital Assets annoncerer nyt datacenter i det vestlige Texas

Following a number of ASIC mining rig acquisitions from the manufacturer Canaan, the bitcoin mining operation Genesis Digital Assets announced on Monday that the firm is developing an industrial-scale bitcoin mining data center in West Texas. World Cup, Genesis