Den indiske finansminister presser på for internationalt samarbejde om kryptoregulering — diskuterer oplysningskampagne

Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has stressed the importance of international cooperation in order to regulate the crypto sector. She also confirmed that Indian regulatorscrypto awareness campaign will continue to alert people about the risks of investing in crypto. Indian

Husets republikanere kræver svar fra SEC over FTX-medstifterens arrestation

On Feb. 10, 2023, Republicans Patrick McHenry of North Carolina and Bill Huizenga of Michigan, both members of the U.S. House of Representatives, sent a letter to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) chairman Gary Gensler seeking answers about the arrest of

FTX og Alameda Research kollapser trist begivenhed, men 'godt på lang sigt' siger DWF Labs Managing Partner

While the collapse of the crypto exchange FTX and its affiliate Alameda Research is thought to have left many crypto players, including market makers, in the worst possible position, according to Andrei Grachev, managing partner at DWF Labs, this incident may

Filippinske myndigheder redder påståede ofre for 'Crypto Trafficking Ring'

Philippine authorities say that they have rescued alleged victims of acrypto trafficking ringwho were recruited to work in a call center in Cambodia and scam people out of their cryptocurrencies. The authorities are also investigating government employees who may

Rapport viser økonomiske problemer plagede Bankman-Frieds Alameda-forskning så tidligt som 2018

Before FTX collapsed it was assumed that Alameda Research was one of the top quantitative trading firms and market makers within the industry. Imidlertid, much of that perception may have been a facade as a recent report details that Alameda suffered

Buenos Aires beskatter mining af kryptovalutaer 2023

The province of Buenos Aires in Argentina will begin taxing cryptocurrency mining and possibly staking, i 2023. A new proposal modifies the tax law to introduce cryptocurrency mining as a taxable activity that will levy 4% on the income calculated via

Den amerikanske lovgiver opfordrer SEC-formand Gensler til at vidne om hans kryptoreguleringsfejl

OS. Congressman Tom Emmer has called on the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK), Gary Gensler, to testify before Congress andanswer questions about the cost of his regulatory failures.The lawmaker stressed: “Gensler has repeatedly dodged Congress at

Den amerikanske senator opfordrer Sam Bankman-Fried til at svare for svigt af FTX og Alameda-forskning

Two congressional hearings will be held next week on the collapse of cryptocurrency exchange FTX and U.S. lawmakers have asked former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) to testify. As the founder of FTX and Alameda Research, “you must answer for the

Rapporten foreslår, at FTX's tokeniserede aktier muligvis ikke er blevet støttet 1:1, Syntetiske materialer kan være blevet brugt til at 'manipulere' reelle aktiekurser

Den dec. 4, 2022, a report details that FTX-based synthetic stocks may have been used to manipulate the value of AMC shares. I maj 2021, FTX offered 36 tokenized stocks but speculators believe its questionable whether or not the firm actually

Rapport: AAX-brugere stormer Crypto Exchanges nigerianske kontorer, Angribe medarbejdere

Nigeria users of the crypto exchange AAX, which suspended withdrawals on Nov. 12, reportedly stormed its offices in Lagos and began assaulting employees. Reports that disgruntled AAX users have harassed the crypto exchange’s workers came just days after the Nigerian crypto